Proposed implementation of Alex Graves paper
text : Welcome to my repository
This repository is divided into 4 folders:
- data
- notebooks
- models
- utils
- Notebook to explore the data
- Notebook for training models
- Notebook to view the results
- the dummy file gathers the functions able to generate the strokes (unconditional and conditional) from the models learned and stored in ../data/files
- the dataloader file contains the two classes allowing to manipulate easily the dataset with pytorch
- the networks file contains the two classes modeling the two networks for the first two first questions
- the trainers file contains the classes that allow to train the networks preceding
- the files folder contains the saved weights of networks and others
- contains the function plot_stroke in the _init_
- contains the Onehot Encoder class which allows to work with Onehot encoded sentences.
- contains the raw data :
- strokes-py3.npy contains 6000 sequences of points that correspond to handwritten sentences
- sentences.txt contains the corresponding text sentences
- numpy==1.17.4
- matplotlib==3.1.1
- torch==1.3.1