This library is for the DopplerRadar Board.
This DopplerRadar Board can get the speed of the target and the state of the target's movement.
- e.g. Arduino Zero or other Arduino related board like ESP8266/ESP32
- (optional) Grove Shield and a cable
- Grove DopplerRadar(BGT24LTR11)
Connect the DopplerRadar Board to the serial port of the board. In this example, we use hardware serial as the serial port; If you have other software Serial ports on you board, you can also connect to it. But software serial port may cause data loss.
Git clone this resp to your Arduino IDE'S libraries directory.
Open the demo "BGT24LTR11_DETECTION_TARGET" from examples directory in Arduino IDE.
Start a project.
You can choose to use the hardware or software serial port.
#define COMSerial Serial #define ShowSerial SerialUSB BGT24LTR11<HardwareSerial> BGT;
Set the communication baud rate of the DopplerRadar module (115200).
Then initialize BGT in the setup function.
Set the working mode.
void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: ShowSerial.begin(9600); COMSerial.begin(115200); BGT.init(COMSerial); while (!ShowSerial) ; while (!COMSerial) ; /* * MODE 0 -->detection target mode * MODE 1 -->I/Q ADC mode */ while (!BGT.setMode(0)) ; }
Gets the speed value and target state.
void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: uint16_t state=0; ShowSerial.print("target speed:"); ShowSerial.println(BGT.getSpeed()); state = BGT.getTargetState(); //2 --> target approach //1 --> target leave //0 --> Not Found target if (state == 2) { ShowSerial.println("target approach"); } else if (state == 1) { ShowSerial.println("target leave"); } delay(200); }
See BGT24LTR11.h for detailed descriptions.
- uint8_t getInfo(uint16_t* target_tate, uint16_t* speed);
- uint16_t getSpeed();
- uint16_t getTargetState();
- uint8_t getIQADC(uint16_t I_d[], uint16_t Q_d[], uint16_t* len);
- uint8_t setSpeedScope(uint16_t maxspeed, uint16_t minspeed);
- uint8_t getSpeedScope(uint16_t* maxspeed, uint16_t* minspeed);
- uint8_t setMode(uint16_t mode);
- uint8_t getMode();
- uint8_t setThreshold(uint16_t threshold);
- uint16_t getThreshold();
- uint16_t calculateChecksum(uint16_t *data, uint16_t data_length);
- uint16_t messageChecksum(uint16_t high_order, uint16_t low_order);