Welcome to Mimir's Market! A Viking eCommerce store for all of your Viking trinkets, doodads and "Handcrafted Wooden Keyboards".
- E-commerce site featuring a variety of novelty items for purchase.
- Search, filter and sort functionality for finding specific products based on name, price and category.
- Session based user cart with item totals and stripe integration for easy checkout.
- Node.js
- Express
- Mongo.DB
- Mongoose
- Bluebird
- Postgres
- Sequelize
- Stripe
- Handlebars
Development will require Node.js, NPM, Postgress and MongoDB installed on your local machine.
A Stripe test_secret_key and test_published_key will be needed for Stripe functionality testing.
- Clone & Fork repo.
- run 'npm install' in the root directory.
- run 'npm run seed' in the root directory.
- run 'npm start' in the root directory.
- Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
- Cart quantity is not yet functional.
- Stripe node test not yet functional.
- Admin order listing and analytics for site statistics and stock ordering.