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Leonard Dubois edited this page May 18, 2020 · 1 revision

Screening for Eubacterium rectale strains in gut metagenomes

This tutorial provide a step-by-step analysis using the PanPhlAn software to map a samples against the E.rectale species pangenome.

1. Download and install PanPhlAn

git clone

see also Download and Installation for further details

2. Download the metagenomics samples

In this example, we use 25 samples coming from various datasets (different studies, pathologies, country, westernized and non-westernized...). Sample can be downloaded using the following command :


Then, the archive must be extracted in order to get one file per sample

tar -xvjf panphlan_tutorial_samples.tar.bz2 

25 fastq files are now available in a samples_fastq/ folder. They correspond to various metagenomes samples from datasets spanning across studies and countries.

sampleID	Dataset	Country
CCMD34381688ST-21-0	ZellerG_2014	DEU
G78505	VatanenT_2016	RUS
G88884	SchirmerM_2016	NLD
G88970	SchirmerM_2016	NLD
G89027	SchirmerM_2016	NLD
H2M514903	LiJ_2017	CHN
H3M518116	LiJ_2017	CHN
HD-1	QinN_2014	CHN
HD-5	QinN_2014	CHN
HV-6	QinN_2014	CHN
LD-48	QinN_2014	CHN
M1.48.ST	BritoIL_2016	FJI
M2.48.ST	BritoIL_2016	REF
M2.58.ST	BritoIL_2016	FJI
N021	WenC_2017	CHN
RA023	WenC_2017	CHN
S353	KarlssonFH_2013	SWE
SID530054	FengQ_2015	AUT
SRS011302	HMP_2012	USA
SZAXPI003417-4	YuJ_2015	CHN
T2D-025	QinJ_2012	CHN
T2D-063	QinJ_2012	CHN
T2D-105	QinJ_2012	CHN
W1.27.ST	BritoIL_2016	FJI
YSZC12003_36795	XieH_2016	GBR

3. Download the reference genomes

For E.rectale (NCBI taxonomy ID : 39491), 15 reference genomes are available from NCBI assembly


Let's store them in a folder called reference_genomes/.

One also need the pangenome file panphlan_39491_pangenome.csv from CHocoPlhAn export countaining information about gene families UniRef90 ID, gene family name and position (genome, contig, start and stop)

head panphlan_erectale_pangenome.csv 
UniRef90_A0A395V045	EUBREC_3309	GCA_000020605	CP001107.1	3142535	3142891
UniRef90_C4ZFP9	EUBREC_0863	GCA_000020605	CP001107.1	771233	772936
UniRef90_C4Z809	EUBREC_1266	GCA_000020605	CP001107.1	1157854	1158015
UniRef90_A0A174M4W1	EUBREC_2028	GCA_000020605	CP001107.1	1915753	1916655
UniRef90_A0A3E4WQ94	EUBREC_3406	GCA_000020605	CP001107.1	3214586	3216313
UniRef90_A0A395ZCP1	EUBREC_3083	GCA_000020605	CP001107.1	2948412	2949056
UniRef90_A0A0M6WH97	EUBREC_1428	GCA_000020605	CP001107.1	1312977	1313234
UniRef90_C4ZCE9	EUBREC_2154	GCA_000020605	CP001107.1	2006055	2006699
UniRef90_A0A396FK33	EUBREC_0251	GCA_000020605	CP001107.1	233885	235228

4. Build bowtie2 indexes

  • Since the pangenome file is named panphlan_39491_pangenome.csv, the clade name argument should take the value 39491 (E.rectale taxonomy ID on NCBI).
  • Previously downloaded references genomes should be stored in the folder gave as input argument reference_genomes/.
  • The output will be generated in the current repository (-o .) but another folder can be specified.

./panphlan/ -c 39491 --i_fna reference_genomes/ -o . --verbose

Files generated are:

  • 6 bowtie2 indexes files named panphlan_39491.[1-4].bt2 and panphlan_39491.rev.[1-2].bt2
  • 39491_ref_genomes.fna containing the concatenation of the .fna files from the input folder

5. Map samples against pangenome

Here is one example for a sample.

panphlan/ -c 39491 -i CCMD34381688ST-21-0.fastq.bz2 -o map_results/CCMD34381688ST-21-0_erectale.csv

If the output folder map_results/ does not exist, it will be created.
The clade name has to be specified so that the software can link data from the pangenome file (UniRef90 ID mainly) to the location mapped in the genome.

The script has to be run one time for each sample. If samples are numerous, GNU parallel can be a relevant option.

For a quicker progress through this tutorial, the results from the mapping process for all 25 samples can be directly downloaded :

tar -xvjf panphlan_tutorial_map_results.tar.bz2

6. Profiling strains

The most important part of the PanPhlAn software is the profiling part (

panphlan/ -c 39491 -i map_results_erectale/ -o profile_erectale.csv --verbose

This line will generate the presence/absence matrix of gene families. 1 means the gene family is present in the sample, 0 it is not.

CCMD34381688ST-21-0	G78505	G88884	G88970	G89027	H2M514903	H3M518116	HD-1	HD-5	HV-6	LD-48	M1	M2_48	M2_58	N021	RA023	S353	SID530054	SRS011302	SZAXPI003417-4	T2D-025	T2D-063	T2D-105	W1	YSZC12003_36795
UniRef90_A0A069A530	0	0	0	0	0	1	1	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	1	0	0
UniRef90_A0A076YZQ3	1	0	1	0	0	0	1	0	1	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	1	0	0	0	1	1	1
UniRef90_A0A095XLP0	1	0	1	1	1	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	1	1	1	1	1	0	0	0	0	1	1
UniRef90_A0A095XNF2	1	0	1	1	1	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	1	1	1	1	1	0	0	0	0	1	1
UniRef90_A0A095ZX26	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	1
UniRef90_A0A0D0SCG4	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0

In order to assess whether or not a gene family is present in a sample, PanPlhAn draws a coverage curve of gene families for each sample. Such curve can be obtained using the --o_covplot erectale_covplot creating the erectale_covplot.png figure :

Here, the peak on the leftmost part of the plot has been cut in order to highlight the plateau and the differences between sample. The option --covplot_ymax 100 has been used.

PanPhlAn's aim is to detect a plateau in the coverage curve. Default threshold can be changed for more or less sensitive options. Too stringent option lead to discarding a sample from the matrix as the species will be judged non present in the sample.
Least stringent option is performed by adding --min_coverage 1 --left_max 1.70 --right_min 0.30 in the command line.

By default only the mapped samples whose coverage curves display a satisfying plateau are present in the final matrix. In order to add the reference genomes in the matrix as well, the option --add_strains must be specified.

Moreover, if a specific file mapping UniRef90 gene families names to other annotation data is provided, it can be added in the matrix. For example :

head HUMAnN2_CHOCOPhlAn_201901_functional_annotation_mapping.tsv 

UniRef90_A0A1Y3PFA4	UniRef50_A0A1Y3PFA4				PF13701		
UniRef90_A0A1Y3PSN1	UniRef50_A9W6U1	GO:0005623,GO:0016209,GO:0016491,GO:0045454			PF00578		
UniRef90_A0A1Y3PG68	UniRef50_L5MXD7	GO:0009228			PF09084		
UniRef90_A0A1Y3PRQ8	UniRef50_A0A1Y3PRQ8				PF12172,PF01796		
UniRef90_A0A1Y3PNS7	UniRef50_Q1QWU2	GO:0016021			PF14667		
UniRef90_A0A1Y3PAH9	UniRef50_A0A0A2VHC2	GO:0016021			PF04239		
UniRef90_A0A1Y3PT72	UniRef50_A0A1Y3PT72	GO:0005886,GO:0003755,GO:0006457	
UniRef90_A0A1Y3PHG5	UniRef50_A0A1L8I4N7	GO:0003677,GO:0003700			PF00027,PF13545		
UniRef90_A0A1Y3PFM9	UniRef50_A0A1Y3PFM9	GO:0016021,GO:0005524,GO:0000155			PF02518,PF00512		

given as argument as in here:
panphlan/ -c 39491 -i map_results/ -o profile_erectale.csv --funct_annot HUMAnN2_CHOCOPhlAn_201901_functional_annotation_mapping.tsv --verbose
will add an annotation column in the presence/absence matrix. Here, without any specification, the second field is taken (UniRef50) but it can be chosen via the --field argument (by default --field has value 1, thus using the second field of the annotation file).

Visualizing the matrix

Using the matrix .csv file, visualization can be made through PCoA plots or Heatmaps of gene families presence/absence fingerprint for each sample.

For example, a PCoA of E.rectale strains highlights the existence of westernized (AUT, USA, NLD, SWE, GBR...) cluster compared to a non-westernized (CHN) one.

Such clusters can also be visualized through heatmap and hierarchical clustering using the same color code for countries. On such Heatmap, the core genome can also be visualized (yellow columns on the right)

keep same example for R.bromii?

