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Selin Kubilay edited this page Mar 5, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the ExtracellularEnzymeActivity_Data_Prep wiki!

The goal of ExtracellularEnzymeActivity_Data_Prep is to import/clean and explore FLEE lab Extracellular Enzyme Activity (EEA) data from microplate readings. The data from the reader must be saved as .xlsx files, named after the sample as SampleDayNumber_replicate_factor (ex: S09_B_C3 in the sample case represents 9th day sample, replicate B, factor level "C3") within the "data" folder.


You'll still need to render README.Rmd regularly, to keep up-to-date.

Get the file names as sample names and the functions

BiblioDir = list.dirs(path = "data", full.names =T, recursive = F)
paths = list.files(BiblioDir, full.names = T)

Read the enzyme activity data from the plate readings

Gly = enzyme_as_data_table(paths, func=read_glu)
Xyl = enzyme_as_data_table(paths, func=read_xyl)
Cbh = enzyme_as_data_table(paths, func=read_Cbh)

Data is stored as lists for ease of use when the sample number is high

list_data = map(list(Gly=Gly, Xyl=Xyl, Cbh=Cbh), convert_to_numeric)
list_data = map(list_data, calculate_mean)

Calculate each enzyme ratio separately. Check the functions folder for more details

ER_xyl_glu = calculate_xyl_gly (list_data)
ER_glu_xyl_cbh = calculate_glu.xyl_cbh (list_data)

Convert the NaN and Inf values to 0 since these are all below the detection limit values due to the negative data in the measurements.

list = list(ER_xyl_glu, ER_glu_xyl_cbh)
ER_data = Reduce(function (...)  merge(..., by="sample"), list) 

ER_data[] <- 0
ER_data[] <- 0

Cleaning and appropriately naming the factors

ER_data[,c("sample_date", "replicate", "col_no") := tstrsplit(sample, "_")]
ER_data$sample_date = factor(ER_data$sample_date,
                           levels = c("S09", "S13", "S16", "S19"),
                           labels = c("Day0", "Day3", "Day10", "Day17")) #Convert the sample date to days as a factor for ease in plotting
ER_data$col_no = factor(ER_data$col_no,
                                 levels = c("C1", "C2"),
                                 labels = c("Col1", "Col2"))
ER_data = set_coloring_column(ER_data)
ggplot(ER_data, mapping = aes(x=sample_date, y = xyl_gly.median))+
  facet_grid(~col_no, labeller = as_labeller(col_names))+
  geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(fill = highlight, col = highlight))+
  fill_col_no2 () + color_col_no2() +
  theme_boxplot() +
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