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Translation technical process

Ismael edited this page Jan 11, 2017 · 1 revision

Full translations process

There is new strings in the product that need to be translated

Translation tags and marks

Make sure every string you want to be translated marked for translation. Inside HTML, it show up like: {% trans 'Awesome string to be translated' %}

Search in the code for new tokens to be translated

Once we have the strings to be translated in the code, let's extract it to the PO files:

docker-compose -f dev.yml run django ./ makemessages

Upload new tokens to Transifex

We are using Transifex

In order to push new tokens:

  1. Open:

  2. Click on 'update source file'. And update semillas_backend/locale/eu/django.po Note: We are using the Basque source, that is not translated at all. This process needs to be improved.

  3. Translate it inside transifex.

  4. Download translated PO file

  5. Replace it by semillas_backend/locale//django.po (change lang for the language being translated)

Compile messages from po to mo

docker-compose -f dev.yml run django ./ makemessages

It will update the mo file and the translations should show up in your development environment!!!