This is a simple Inverted Pendulum robot simulation build in a Gazebo World.
You can simply start the simulation using the following:
export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH=./local_models/
gz sim world_basic.sdf
GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH represents the folder where the Gazebo simulator it's gonna find the local models of this simulation. You can define a different path or a global path for all your models.
That's all! Enjoy it!
If you have installed Yakuake in your system you can use
for a more easy start of the simulation and your Gazebo2Robocomp component all in one.
Remember to change the paths in from where the world and your
Gazebo2Robocomp component are located on your system.
If you don't have Yakuake installed, you can do it with the following:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install yakuake
sudo apt-get install qdbus-qt5
Have fun!