- dependencies: Postgresql and Redis
- Be sure to have rvm or rbenv
- be sure to have bundler gem installed.
- Check that your IDE can handle .editorconfig file
bundle install
rake db:setup
- Use
to start application (lookup Foreman, Hivemind or Overmind)
- Avoid using
in favor ofENV.fetch('VARIABLE')
. So if ENV variable is missing, app will fail during bootup.
Please use separate migrations for data/schema changes.
In case of schema changes, use standard Rails functionality:
rails g migration MyNewMigration
In case of data use seed_migration gem, like this:
rails g seed_migration NewDataMigration
Server needs to be properly configured for deployment to work.
- SSH public/private key pair set up
- deploy user to have access to folders where you want to install the application
- installed git
- installed ruby (some ruby manager recommended rbenv/rvm/chruby)
- installed bundler
Host Name | Jenkins |
Public IP | |
Keypair | servicealliance-ops-key |
- hostname: http://www.digitaljobchart.net
- cloud66: https://app.cloud66.com/stacks/47322
- needs to be deployed manually ?? how to access database
- hostname : http://staging.digitaljobchart.net
- auto deployed from master ?? how to access database