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Data Label

Laurian edited this page Sep 27, 2022 · 4 revisions

A label that can show dynamic text and possibly an image.

Data Label

Table of contents

Data Label properties

The component has the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
dataProvider dataprovider The column or variable to provide the data for this label.
enabled Boolean true Whether the field is enabled or not
format format A format to format the data shown.
imageStyleClass String An icon style class property (glyphicon, material design or Font Awesome). For Font Awesome icons it is required to install the Font Awesome service from the Servoy Package Manager.
labelFor String The field to which this label belongs (when the field is hidden, the label will also be hidden)
showAs String html Whether the label should show the text as is (text), as sanitized HTML (html) or as trusted, unsanitized HTML (trusted_html)
styleClass styleclass CSS style class for this component
styleClassExpression dataprovider A column or calculation that provides the CSS style class for this component
tabSeq Number Tab sequence index of the form
tooltipText String Tooltip text shown when hovering over the component (i18n is supported)
valuelist valuelist The value list which offers the value presented
visible Boolean Whether the component is visible or not

Data Label events

The component allows to attach handlers for the following events:

Event Parameters Return Description
onAction event:JSEvent, dataTarget:string Fired when the component is clicked on
onDoubleClick event:JSEvent, dataTarget:string Fired when the component is double clicked on
onRightClick event:JSEvent, dataTarget:string Fired when the omponent is right clicked on

The dataTarget parameter allows to identify inner html elements. Adding a data-target attribute on such element (shown in label html), will make the event receive the value of the attribute.

Data Label API

The component currently has no API methods.

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