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Tuan Nguyen edited this page May 14, 2018 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the svyIdle wiki!


Simple web service to check if a user is idle or if browser window no longer active (NGclient only)

Example Usage

//setup callback functions for different events

 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"E6949E1C-AA93-4145-9509-BF10CA66AC02"}
function idle() {		
	application.output('im idle...');

 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"09584FE2-2B10-420A-B685-A9A988A6261A"}
function active() {	
	application.output('im active...');

 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"06ACAC5D-4D1C-49BD-B786-3E9496DA3860"}
function hide() {
	application.output('window hidden');

 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"1A268EDF-BA18-4E67-A049-6E1305E08D72"}
function show() {
	application.output('window shown');

//Then call the onIdle method and pass in callback methods to execute when idle or when windows become hidden/active.


Method Summary


execute service


Type Name Summary Required
Function onIdle triggers when user is idle Optional
Function onActive triggers when user is active Optional
Function onHide triggers when window is hidden Optional
Function onShow triggers when window is shown Optional
String events string of events that will reset idle time (default : 'mousemove keydown mousedown touchstart') Optional
Number idle idle time in ms before activating trigger, default: 60000 Optional
Boolean keepTracking set to false if we only want to track the first time (true by default) Optional
Boolean startAtIdle if you want to start at idle, set to true Optional
Boolean recurIdleCall use setInterval versus timeout, by default uses setTimeout Optional
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