DbCls is a versatile client for multiple databases, enabling the editing and preservation of SQL queries in a file, and executing queries directly from the editor, thereby providing a convenient interface for data representation.
Briefly, this application combines the kaa editor and the visidata data visualization tool.
pip install dbcls
dbcls -H -u user -p mypasswd -E mysql -d mydb mydb.sql
dbcls -c config.json mydb.sql
Where config file is:
"host": "",
"port": "3306",
"username": "user",
"password": "mypasswd",
"dbname": "mydb",
"engine": "mysql"
or from bash file
#! /bin/bash
"host": "",
"port": "3306",
"username": "user",
"password": "mypasswd",
"dbname": "mydb",
"engine": "mysql"
dbcls -c <(echo "$CONFIG") mydb.sql
- Alt + 1 - Autocompletion suggestion list
- Alt + r - Execute query under cursor or selected text
- Alt + e - Show databases list
- Alt + t - Show tables list
- Ctrl + q - Quit
- Ctrl + s - Save file
.tables - Show tables list
.databases - Show databases list
.use - Change database
.schema <table> - Show table schema
-H --host
Host to connect to
-u --user
Username to connect as
-p --password
Password to use when connecting to server
-E --engine
Database engine, options are: mysql, postgresql, clickhouse
-d --database
Database to use
-P --port
Port number to use for connection (optional)
-c --config
Path to a config file to use
See github issues: https://github.com/Sets88/dbcls/issues