Statistical Climate Forecasting Integrated for Civil and Environmental Engineering (scifi) R Package
This package provides an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) based statistical near-term (2 to 20 years) regional temperature and precipitation forecasting model, and as well as the GCM-ARIMA (G-ARIMA) model, which was further developed based on the ARIMA model and serves as an integrative forecasting technique combining the GCM projections and ARIMA forecasting.
Please refer to the following article for the descriptions of the forecasting techniques:
The following article describes the techniques of the G-ARIMA model:
Yuchuan Lai; David A. Dzombak
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon College of Engineering Dean’s Fellowship to Yuchuan Lai, and by the Hamerschlag Chair of Professor Dzombak.