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ShaneBeee edited this page Apr 19, 2020 · 2 revisions



SurvivalPlus changes a whole bunch of standard Minecraft mechanics, to make the game a little more interesting.

Custom Tools

We removed some of Minecraft's boring tools, and replaced them with ones that look a lot cooler, have better names, and do more interesting things. All of the recipes for these items can be found in your recipe book in your crafting table. With this comes a custom resource pack. It is already set up in the config.

Custom Recipes

We decided to change up some of the vanilla recipes so the player is required to gather more resources to craft some basic things. You will see in your recipe book some of the changes.

Thrist, Nutrients & Fatigue

It always seems too easy to stay alive in Minecraft right? You just have to eat and blamo, you are healed. We added thirst, nutrients and fatigue. You will need to drink water, eat a variety of foods and sleep enough to stay healthy.

Shared Workbench


  • This is classified as an experiment feature, disabled by default as it's experiencing issues. Please use at your own risk.

When a player is using a workbench, another player can access the same workbench and share the crafting.
Pro: Craft something fast without having to pass materials between players.
Con: Others can steal your stuff when you're crafting. Challenging gameplay in Hunger Games or UHC.

Bow Loading

You will need to have arrows in your off hand to shoot a bow and load a crossbow.

Armor Weights

Light Armors

  • Material: Leather (Reinforced Leather)
  • Movement speed is normal

Heavy Armors

  • Material: Metalic (Iron and Diamond)
  • Have minor movement speed suppression when worn
    • Helmet/Boots: -2% Movement Speed
    • Chestplate/Leggings: -3% Movement Speed


Oh so you wanna sit down? Cool, we got that. Create Chairs by these 2 components:

Chair Base

Add a base for the chair with air stair block, maximum chair length is 2 (configurable in settings).

Chair Sides

Add 2 sides with either signs, trap doors, paintings or item frames.

And...Voila, you have a chair.
Right click on the chair when close to it to sit down.
Sneak to dismount from the chair.

Snow Blocks and Layers

Snow Block and Snow Layer recipes are disabled.

Don't worry, there are alternatives!
Snowball creates patches of snow layer when thrown on the ground.
A fully stacked snow layer will turn into a snow block.

An easy trick is to use snowballs for piling walls against archers.

Snow Golem can be made by first piling up 2 snow blocks and puts a pumpkin on it.
Breaking Snow Layer will give 1 (+ number of extra layers) snowball(s).
Breaking Snow Block will give 8 snowballs.

Limited Crafting

With limited crafting on, players will need to have a recipe unlocked before they are able to craft that item. (Configurable in config)