- Create a react app using npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
- You don’t have to do any styling
- Given the following code snippet, render URLS as buttons inside div.buttons element
- By clicking on each button it must run the following procedure:
- wait for 2 seconds
- then send a get request to the corresponding URL
- dump the response inside pre.response element
- Please do not cache the response!
- Cancellation Procedure: considering that user can click on a different button while the previous Wait and Get procedure is running, we expect cancelling the previous process before running the new procedure.
App.tsx contains two options for requesting the data. To test XMLHttpRequest please uncomment this option.
import { useFetch } from './useFetch';
// import { useXMLHttpRequest } from './useXMLHttpRequest';
const response = useFetch(input);
// const response = useXMLHttpRequest(input, false);