Until Oct. 22th 2024.
- Xiaogang Zhu, Sheng Wen, Seyit Camtepe, and Yang Xiang. 2022. Fuzzing: A Survey for Roadmap. ACM Comput. Surv. 54, 11s, Article 230 (January 2022), 36 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3512345
- Detailed tutorial book by Andreas Zeller: The Fuzzing Book
What is coverage: Code Coverage Explained: How It Helps Devs and Hackers · seeinglogic blog
Get coverage from binaries: 5 Ways To Get Code Coverage From a Binary, From Mundane to Arcane · seeinglogic blog
How does current fuzzing methods get coverage:
Source available:
AFL-LTO (collision free): AFLplusplus/instrumentation/README.lto.md at stable · AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
AFL++ Context sensitive Branch coverage: AFLplusplus/instrumentation/README.llvm.md at stable · AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
AFL++ N-Gram Branch coverage: AFLplusplus/instrumentation/README.llvm.md at stable · AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
AFLplusplus/docs/fuzzing_binary-only_targets.md at stable · AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
AFLplusplus/qemu_mode/README.md at stable · AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
Binary rewriting without CFG anlysis: GJDuck/e9afl: AFL binary instrumentation
Dynamic Binary Instrumentation (DBI) methods:
Static rewriting methods:
- dyninst/dyninst: DyninstAPI: Tools for binary instrumentation, analysis, and modification.
- abenkhadra/bcov: Static instrumentation tool for efficient binary-level coverage analysis.
- GJDuck/e9afl: AFL binary instrumentation
- GJDuck/e9patch: A powerful static binary rewriting tool
- Open Source Software / zafl · GitLab
- ⭐Binary rewriting and e9patch: Binary Rewriting without Control Flow Recovery
ZAFL: sec21-nagy.pdf
- AFL/AFL++: AFLplusplus/docs/fuzzing_binary-only_targets.md at stable · AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
- Jackalope: googleprojectzero/Jackalope: Binary, coverage-guided fuzzer for Windows, macOS, Linux and Android
- TinyInst: googleprojectzero/TinyInst: A lightweight dynamic instrumentation library
Human in the loop: S&P'20: Exploring Deep State Spaces via Fuzzing
Survey for challenges of human fuzzing practitioner: The Human Side of Fuzzing: Challenges Faced by Developers during Fuzzing Activities | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
Coverage for data access: Security'24: Data Coverage for Guided Fuzzing
- Notes: [./PaperReading/Data coverage(Security'24).md](./PaperReading/Data coverage(Security'24).md)
Follow existing bug/vuln report: Security'24_sdfuzz.pdf
Exclude irrelevant code with control and data flow anlysis: S&P'23 SelectFuzz: Efficient Directed Fuzzing with Selective Path Exploration | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
Multi targets fuzzing: S&P'24 IEEE Xplore Full-Text PDF:
Current LLM-based coverage-based fuzzing methods:
Paper | Harness/Driver Generation | Input Generation | Seed Scheduling/Mutation | Bug Triage |
CHATAFL[1] | × | √ | √ | × |
Fuzz4ALL[2] | × | √ | √ | × |
PromptFuzz[3] | √ | × | × | × |
CovRL-Fuzz[4] | × | √ | √ | × |
mGPTFuzz[5] | × | √ | × | × |
[6] | √ | × | × | × |
LLMIF[7] | × | √ | √ | × |
ProphertFuzz[8] | × | √ | × | × |
[1] NDSS'24 Protocol fuzzing: Large Language Model guided Protocol Fuzzing
[2] ICSE'24 Fuzz4ALL: Fuzz4All: Universal Fuzzing with Large Language Models | Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering
[3] PromptFuzz: [2409.14729] PROMPTFUZZ: Harnessing Fuzzing Techniques for Robust Testing of Prompt Injection in LLMs
[4] ISSTA'24 CovRL-Fuzz: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3650212.3680389
[5] Securfity'24 mGPTFuzz: From One Thousand Pages of Specification to Unveiling Hidden Bugs: Large Language Model Assisted Fuzzing of Matter IoT Devices | USENIX
[7] S&P'24 LLMIF CSDL | IEEE Computer Society
[8] ProphertFuzz :ProphetFuzz: Fully Automated Prediction and Fuzzing of High-Risk Option Combinations with Only Documentation via Large Language Model
- How to get cov from AFL?
[./TechProblems/Get coverage from AFL.md](./TechProblems/Get coverage from AFL.md)
-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage