This project aims to automate infrastructure provisioning using Terraform and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
The infrastructure is defined as code using Terraform, ensuring reproducibility and consistency across environments. It provisions a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) named webapp-vpc
on GCP, along with custom subnetworks and routes for various components of the application.
- VPC Name:
- Subnets:
Subnet: CIDR /24, Gateway:
Subnet: CIDR /24, Gateway:
- Route:
- Name:
- Destination IP Range:
- Name:
- Instance:
- Name vpc
- image: image name build by packer
- network - under vpcs created
- subnetworks - under subnetworks
- tags: to match the firewall rules
- FireWall Rules:
- Allow-App-Port: Allows traffic on specified application port.
- Deny-SSH: Denies SSH traffic.
Terraform initializes your working directory and prepares it for other Terraform commands such as terraform plan or terraform apply
Terraform configurations are validated to ensure correctness and prevent misconfigurations.
To validate, plan and apply Terraform configurations, run the following command:
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan -var-file="values.tfvars file"
terraform apply -var-file="values.tfvars file"
GitHub Actions workflows are set up to automatically check the Terraform validation status which allows for merging the branch to main.
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Terraform
- Google Cloud SDK (gcloud) for auth
for writing configuration - for creating multiple vpc -