- Hand detection and Fingers counting
- hand.py - Script for hand detection and fingers counting in a video.
- 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, 4.png, 5.png are screenshots taken from the webcam video
- Sudoku Solver
- imageProc.py Script to segement the image of sudoku square from original image "Original_image.jpg"
- imageToData.py Script to prompt user to mark correct labels (1-9) for numbers shown in image. (Creation of training data and test data) "numbers2.png" and "numbers.png" and storing the feature vectors of all the numbers (feature matrix) shown in the image in 2 text files, one for training set and other for test set.
- miscellaneous sudoku.py Module contains function for digit recognition which has been used in sudoku_main.py.
- sudoku_main.py - Main Script of project to take an image of sudoku and solve it.
- "solveSudoku2.py"uses Backtracking algorith to solve the sudoku once digits have been recognized, taken as a string of digits.
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjh-ygPf_o6m9pJ-vQlTBeSuM2EAWnRgx