The PCB is fully complete with all revisions made. Physical testing & validation was done. Code is fully complete with preliminary testing & validation complete. Algorithms yet to be tuned & so some updates may still be on the way, but otherwise, the general functionality is set and major/immediately obvious bugs were removed and the remaining bugs will be removed as found. Code was built for Adafruit SAMD boards (Specifically the Feather M0 Adalogger as listed in project readme).
What's Changed
- Update temp sensor code by @khanr107 in #1
- initial code for stir bar motor by @aithihya-k in #3
- Update MicroSD Code in Datalogging by @ashviya-jey in #2
- drive forward and stopping initial code by @AmanRV in #5
- PID functionality by @AmanRV in #8
- servo motor code by @AmanRV in #10
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-beta...v1.0.0