Unofficial api for Spotify's local web server.
It uses the same method as does. Basically Spotify desktop runs a web server on that can accept specific commands and even open Spotify client itself.
Spotify domain that simply points to Apparently in order to bypass browser's limitation of amount of concurrent connection to the same domain they use randomly generated subdomains of
Initializes the Spotilocal client. Returns a Promise for Spotilocal client.
defaultPort - Port to try first.
Returns a Promise for Status.
returnOn - Activates long-polling to return when one or more specific event(s) occur.
returnAfter - Defines a timeout. Pass 0 to disable. Default is 0.
Pauses or unpauses current playback. Returns a Promise for Status.
Plays song with uri in provided context.
uri - track uri.
context - of song(where it exists). Examples: playlist uri, album uri and so on.
Returns a Promise for Status.
import {Spotilocal} from 'spotilocal';
const spotilocal = new Spotilocal();
const trackUri = 'spotify:track:3cANM3NuUjRDTi8fdU8P6q';
spotilocal.init().then((spotilocal) => {
return, 'spotify:user:shyyko.serhiy:playlist:4SdN0Re3tJg9uG08z2Gkr1')
}).then((status) => {
console.log(`Playing: ${status.playing}`);
console.log(`Song Name: ${}`);
return spotilocal.pause(true);