3D Empire
- Denmark
- http://thorbrigsted.com/
- Pro
AVsitter Public
Forked from AVsitter/AVsitterAVsitter pose system for Second Life and OpenSim
LSL Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedNov 15, 2024 -
GLTFUtility Public
Simple GLTF importer for Unity
xNode Public
Unity Node Editor: Lets you view and edit node graphs inside Unity
SerializableCallback Public
UnityEvent and System.Func had a child
mb-genre-scraper Public
Scrapes Musicbrainz database for genres to a song
Rust MIT License UpdatedApr 23, 2023 -
xNodeGroups Public
A small addon for xNode that lets you add groups to your graphs
t3dImporter Public
Load UDK .t3d files into Unity.
UnitySL Public
Forked from ApanLoon/UnitySLA port of some of the subsystems of Indra Second Life
unity-material-library Public
Forked from oparaskos/unity-material-libraryunity material loader ui for online sources of materials
Dialogue Public
Node based dialogue system
Graphmesh Public
Graph-based mesh modifiers.
Bezier3D Public
Unity3D: Simple core bezier functionality featuring interpolation and orientation.
Marching-Cubes-Improved Public
Forked from Eldemarkki/Marching-Cubes-TerrainMarching Cubes voxel terrain for Unity
C# MIT License UpdatedJul 12, 2019 -
glTF Public
Forked from KhronosGroup/glTFglTF – Runtime 3D Asset Delivery
UVViewer Public
Forked from songkyoo/UVViewerDisplays mesh's UV in Unity editor window.
VertexPaint Public
Forked from slipster216/VertexPaintUnity 5.3 Vertex Painter
Unity-Reorderable-List Public
Forked from cfoulston/Unity-Reorderable-ListExtended version of the Reorderable List in Unity
MarkdownGenerator Public
Forked from neuecc/MarkdownGeneratorWIP: Generate markdown from C# binary & xml document for GitHub Wiki.
Geometry2D Public
Unity3D: A set of helper classes for 2D geometric calculations.
StandardTriplanar Public
Forked from keijiro/StandardTriplanarUnity's standard shader with triplanar mapping