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Console Commands

D1G1T4L3CH0 edited this page Apr 2, 2015 · 4 revisions
Command Description
ban Bans a player from the server.
clear Clear the console window.
dawn Change time to dawn.
deop Removes server operator status from a player
dusk Change time to dusk.
exit Stops the server
exit-nosave Shutdown the server without saving.
fps Toggle FPS monitoring.
give Give a player items
hardmode Enables hard mode.
help Displays the commands available to the user.
info Get information.
invasion Begins an invasion
itemrej Manage item rejections
kick Kicks a player from the server
list Lists online players
login Allows a user to sign in after a reload
maxplayers Print the max number of players.
me 3rd person talk
midnight Change time to midnight.
motd Print or change the message of the day.
noon Change time to noon.
npcspawning Turn NPC spawning on or off.
online Lists online players
op Allows a player server operator status
oplogin Allows an operator to log in
oplogout Logs out a signed in operator.
pass Change your password
password Shows or changes to password.
platform Show what type of server is running TDSM
players Lists online players
playing Lists online players
plugin Manage and view plugins
plugins Lists plugins running
port Print the listening port.
rcon Manage remote console access.
refresh Redownload the area around you from the server
save Save the game world.
save-all Save world and configuration data
say Say a message from the server
serverlist (not available in release version, yet) Manages the heartbeat and server list
settle Settle all water.
spawnboss Spawn a boss
spawnnpc Spawns NPCs
status Server status
stop Stops the server
time Change the time of day
timelock Forces the time to stay at a certain point.
tp Teleport a player to another player
tphere Teleport a player to yourself
version Print version number.
webauth No description specified
who Lists online players