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Calc with memory with var(debounce_inputs, 1)
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SilentGreyMan authored Dec 27, 2024
1 parent 09168d7 commit 049bf65
Showing 1 changed file with 177 additions and 20 deletions.
197 changes: 177 additions & 20 deletions src/project.tlv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,191 @@
\m5_TLV_version 1d:

// #################################################################
// # #
// # Starting-Point Code for MEST Course Tiny Tapeout Calculator #
// # #
// #################################################################

// ========
// Settings
// ========

var(my_design, tt_um_example) /// The name of your top-level TT module, to match your info.yml.
var(debounce_inputs, 1)
/// Legal values:
/// 1: Provide synchronization and debouncing on all input signals.
/// 0: Don't provide synchronization and debouncing.
/// m5_if_defined_as(MAKERCHIP, 1, 0, 1): Debounce unless in Makerchip.
var(in_fpga, 1) /// For Makerchip development: 1 to include the demo board in VIZ (in which case, logic will be under /fpga_pins/fpga).

// ======================
// Computed From Settings
// ======================

// If debouncing, a user's module is within a wrapper, so it has a different name.
var(user_module_name, m5_if(m5_debounce_inputs, my_design, m5_my_design))
var(debounce_cnt, m5_if_defined_as(MAKERCHIP, 1, 8'h03, 8'hff))

// =================
// Include Libraries
// =================

// Tiny Tapeout Lab.
// Calculator VIZ.

\TLV calc()

// ==========
// User Logic
// ==========

$reset = *reset;

// Board's switch inputs
$op[2:0] = *ui_in[6:4];
$val2[7:0] = {4'b0, *ui_in[3:0]};
$equals_in = *ui_in[7];

// Calculator result value ($out) becomes first operand ($val1).
//when adding pipeline now need val to be 2 back not just 1 so change to 2
$val1[7:0] = >>2$out;

// Perform a valid computation when "=" button is pressed.
$valid = $reset ? 1'b0 :
$equals_in && ! >>1$equals_in;

// Calculate (all possible operations).
$sum[7:0] = $val1 + $val2;
$diff[7:0] = $val1 - $val2;
$prod[7:0] = $val1 * $val2;
$quot[7:0] = $val1 / $val2;

// Add the pipeline before the mux so add @2 here
// Select the result value, resetting to 0, and retaining if no calculation.
//op 4 is memory recall
$memory_recall = $valid && ($op[2:0] == 3'd4);
$out[7:0] = $reset ? 8'b0 :
! $valid ? >>1$out :
($op[2:0] == 3'd0) ? $sum :
($op[2:0] == 3'd1) ? $diff :
($op[2:0] == 3'd2) ? $prod :
($op[2:0] == 3'd3) ? $quot :
$memory_recall ? >>2$mem[7:0] : >>1$out[7:0];
//Memory Mux
//op 5 is memory store operation
$memory_store = $valid && ($op[2:0] == 3'd5);
$mem[7:0] = $reset ? 0 : $memory_store ? >>2$out[7:0] : >>1$mem[7:0];

//Give another cycle for the display to add another pipleline here
// Display lower hex digit on 7-segment display.
$digit[3:0] = $out[3:0];
*uo_out =
$digit == 4'h0 ? 8'b00111111 :
$digit == 4'h1 ? 8'b00000110 :
$digit == 4'h2 ? 8'b01011011 :
$digit == 4'h3 ? 8'b01001111 :
$digit == 4'h4 ? 8'b01100110 :
$digit == 4'h5 ? 8'b01101101 :
$digit == 4'h6 ? 8'b01111101 :
$digit == 4'h7 ? 8'b00000111 :
$digit == 4'h8 ? 8'b01111111 :
$digit == 4'h9 ? 8'b01101111 :
$digit == 4'hA ? 8'b01110111 :
$digit == 4'hB ? 8'b01111100 :
$digit == 4'hC ? 8'b00111001 :
$digit == 4'hD ? 8'b01011110 :
$digit == 4'hE ? 8'b01111001 :

//change from @1 to @3 for cal_viz
m5+cal_viz(@3, m5_if(m5_in_fpga, /fpga, /top))

// Connect Tiny Tapeout outputs. Note that uio_ outputs are not available in the Tiny-Tapeout-3-based FPGA boards.
//*uo_out = 8'b0;
*uio_out = 8'b0;
*uio_oe = 8'b0;

// *******************************************
// * For ChipCraft Course *
// * Replace this file with your own design. *
// *******************************************

* Copyright (c) 2023 Your Name
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

`define default_netname none
// ================================================
// A simple Makerchip Verilog test bench driving random stimulus.
// Modify the module contents to your needs.
// ================================================

module tt_um_example (
input wire [7:0] ui_in, // Dedicated inputs
output wire [7:0] uo_out, // Dedicated outputs
module top(input logic clk, input logic reset, input logic [31:0] cyc_cnt, output logic passed, output logic failed);
// Tiny tapeout I/O signals.
logic [7:0] ui_in, uio_in, uo_out, uio_out, uio_oe;
logic [31:0] r; // a random value
always @(posedge clk) r <= m5_if_defined_as(MAKERCHIP, 1, ['$urandom()'], ['0']);
assign ui_in = r[7:0];
assign uio_in = 8'b0;
logic ena = 1'b0;
logic rst_n = ! reset;

// Instantiate the Tiny Tapeout module.
m5_user_module_name tt(.*);

assign passed = top.cyc_cnt > 160;
assign failed = 1'b0;

// Provide a wrapper module to debounce input signals if requested.
m5_if(m5_debounce_inputs, ['m5_tt_top(m5_my_design)'])

// =======================
// The Tiny Tapeout module
// =======================

module m5_user_module_name (
input wire [7:0] ui_in, // Dedicated inputs - connected to the input switches
output wire [7:0] uo_out, // Dedicated outputs - connected to the 7 segment display
input wire [7:0] uio_in, // IOs: Bidirectional Input path
output wire [7:0] uio_out, // IOs: Bidirectional Output path
output wire [7:0] uio_oe, // IOs: Bidirectional Enable path (active high: 0=input, 1=output)
input wire ena,
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n
input wire ena, // will go high when the design is enabled
input wire clk, // clock
input wire rst_n // reset_n - low to reset

// All output pins must be assigned. If not used, assign to 0.
assign uo_out = ui_in; // Example: ou_out is ui_in
assign uio_out = 0;
assign uio_oe = 0;
wire reset = ! rst_n;

// List all potentially-unused inputs to prevent warnings
wire _unused = &{ena, clk, rst_n, 1'b0};

\TLV tt_lab()
// Connect Tiny Tapeout I/Os to Virtual FPGA Lab.
// Instantiate the Virtual FPGA Lab.
m5+board(/top, /fpga, 7, $, , calc)
// Label the switch inputs [0..7] (1..8 on the physical switch panel) (top-to-bottom).
m5_if(m5_in_fpga, ['m5+tt_input_labels_viz(['"Value[0]", "Value[1]", "Value[2]", "Value[3]", "Op[0]", "Op[1]", "Op[2]", "="'])'])

/* verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT */
m5_if(m5_in_fpga, ['m5+tt_lab()'], ['m5+calc()'])


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