This bundle provide a way to secure accesses to all routes of your application and adapt the view according to the logged user.
- The bundle generate roles for all configured routes.
- The bundle listen the
event and retrieve the requested route. - If the route is configure to be secured, the bundle check if the current user has the appropriate role. If not, an AccessDeniedException from Symfony security component is throw. You will see above how to modify this behaviour.
For all routes configured in access control, the user must be authenticated and implement the UserInterface
of Symfony security component.
composer require sil/route-security-bundle
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Sil\RouteSecurityBundle\SilRouteSecurityBundle(),
// ...
Routes are only required if you want to use the Javascript part of this bundle.
# app/config/routes/sil_route_security.yaml
resource: "@SilRouteSecurityBundle/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
You can configure the bundle under the sil_route_security
By default, the access control is disable.
enable_access_control: true
You can define a list of secured routes :
secured_routes: [app_user_list, app_user_add]
In addition or instead of secured routes list, you can define a regex format to configure a set of routes to be secured :
secured_routes_format: "/^app_/"
You can define a list of ignored routes :
ignored_routes: [app_home, app_login, app_logout]
In addition or instead of ignored routes list, you can define a regex format to configure a set of routes to be not secured :
ignored_routes_format: "/^app_[a-z]*_api/"`
By default, to generate a role for route, the bundle convert the route name to ROLE_.strtoupper($route_name). If you want a different format, you can make your hown converter. Just create a service that implement the NamingStrategyInterface and configure the bundle option with your service identifier.
naming_strategy: my_own_route_to_role_converter
All generated roles is accessible through the sil_route_security.roles_provider
// Controller
$rolesProvider = $this->get('sil_route_security.roles_provider');
$generatedRoles = $rolesProvider->getRoles();
For exemple, you can inject this service into your UserFormType
to configure the associates roles to an user.
The bundle expose :
- Twig functions that allow you to generate view according to the roles of user.
- Javascript object that allow you to generate view according to the roles of user.
- Check if the user has access to the given route
- Exemple :
{% if hasUserAccessToRoute(app.user, 'app_user_add') %}
<a href="{{ path('app_user_add') }}">Add user</a>
{% endif %}
- Check if the user has access at least to one route
- Exemple :
{% if hasUserAccessAtLeastOneRoute(app.user, ['app_user_add', 'app_user_edit']) %}
<span class="dropdown-title">User management</span>
<ul class="dropdown-item">
{% if hasUserAccessToRoute(app.user, 'app_user_add') %}
<a href="{{ path('app_user_add') }}">Add user</a>
{% endif %}
{% if hasUserAccessToRoute(app.user, 'app_user_edit') %}
<a href="{{ path('app_user_edit') }}">Edit user</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
- Check if the user has access to all given routes
- Exemple :
{% if hasUserAccessToRoutes(app.user, ['app_user_add', 'app_user_edit']) %}
<a href="{{ path('app_user_add') }}">Add user</a>
<a href="{{ path('app_user_edit') }}">Edit user</a>
{% endif %}
To load it globally, add the following line to your template:
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('bundles/silroutesecurity/js/sil_route_security.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ path('sil_route_security.export_js_secured_routes') }}"></script>
if (SilRouteSecurity.hasUserAccessToRoute('name_of_route')) {
console.log('Current authenticated user has access to route')
if (SilRouteSecurity.hasUserAccessToRoutes(['name_of_route_1', 'name_of_route_2'])) {
console.log('Current authenticated user has access to all routes')
if (SilRouteSecurity.hasUserAccessAtLeastOneRoute(['name_of_route_1', 'name_of_route_2'])) {
console.log('Current authenticated user has access to one of this routes')
When user access to secured route and does not have the right, an AccessDeniedException
is throw. The framework will convert it to a 403 response.
Just before that, the event AccessDeniedToRouteEvent
is dispatch.
You can listen it and implement your hown behaviour, logging the action for exemple, return a custom response, redirect, whatever...