A very simple implementation of PEG parser generator.
To use, simply do
from simplepeg import SPEG
parser = SPEG()
parser.parse_grammar('GRAMMAR test b -> "a";')
ast = parser.parse_text('a')
print ast.to_json()
from simplepeg import SPEG
parser = SPEG()
ast = parser.parse('GRAMMAR test b -> "a";', 'a')
print ast.to_json()
GRAMMAR url url -> scheme "://" host pathname search hash?; scheme -> "http" "s"?; host -> hostname port?; hostname -> segment ("." segment)*; segment -> [a-z0-9-]+; port -> ":" [0-9]+; pathname -> "/" [^ ?]*; search -> ("?" [^ #]*)?; hash -> "#" [^ ]*;