Clone this repo into an empty folder
Run './' to install dependencies
cd Blinky_ECadmiu/top_model/
make clean; make all
This will run the standard Cadmium simulator. Cadmium logs will be generated in Blinky_ECadmiu/top_model/blinky_test_output.txt The pin's inputs are stored in Blinky_ECadmiu/top_model/inputs. The value of the output pins will be in Blinky_ECadmiu/top_model/inputs. SVEC (Simulation Visualization for Embedded Cadmium) is a python GUI that parses these files and steps through the simulation to help debug the models.
If you are using a platform other then the Nucleo-STM32F401, you will need to change the COMPILE_TARGET / FLASH_TARGET in the make file.
cd Blinky_ECadmium/top_model/
make clean; make embedded; make flash;