Object-Oriented implementation of a PDEVS simulator for C++ 17. Cadmium 2 is a header-only library for implementing and simulating PDEVS, classic Cell-DEVS, and asymmetric Cell-DEVS models using an object-oriented programming paradigm.
NOTE: We are still working on this new version of Cadmium. We will shortly release a first official version with better documentation and more features.
Before using Cadmium, make sure that your computer has the following dependencies intalled:
- A C++ 17-compliant compiler (e.g.,
) make
3.19 or greatergit
- Download this repository:
git clone https://github.com/SimulationEverywhere/cadmium_v2.git
cd cadmium_v2
- Use the
script to compile all the examples:
source build.sh
- You can execute the provided Cell-DEVS examples to ensure that everything is fine:
source celldevs_examples.sh
The files example/celldevs_asymm_sir/log.csv
and example/celldevs_grid_sir/log.csv
will contain the simulation traces of a pandemic scenario. Feel free to use your favorite tool (e.g., Microsof Excel, R, or Python with Pandas) to analyze the results.
The folder templates
contains a template project for asymmetric and classic Cell-DEVS models.