Textures and settings made by McChicky in the Ellpeck Games Discord
This mod is loaded using the Simple Object Loader mod.
Instead of writing code, you can just create a JSON file (ending in '.simple.json'), which consists of key-value pairs, describing the object you want to add.
Here we have an example of the configuration you can use for a chair. With some comments we will clarify why the properties are needed. Note that comments can't be placed in the JSON files themselves, it will break them.
"modId": "ExpensiveChair", // The unique identifier for your mod
"categories": ["Chair"], // The categories, required for knowing what the object should do (in this case, be a chair)
"name": "ExpensiveChair", // This is the INTERNAL name of the object, not the one shows in menus. Should correspond with the name in the atlas file (if any) and the localization files.
"tab": "LivingRoom", // In which tab the object should show up.
"price": 500,
"atlas": "ExpensiveChair", // The name of the atlas file in the same directory (if any)
"size": [ 1, 1 ], // To describe the size of the object, in squares (first is x, second is y)
"colorSchemes": [ "SimpleWood", "Modern" ], // The colorschemes to use.
"actionSpots": [ // This describes how and from where a Tiny can interact with your item, play with it a bit.
"vectorX": 0,
"vectorY": 0,
"yOffset": -0.2,
"direction": "Adjacent",
"drawLayer": 1
"defaultRotation": "Down", // The default way of showing the object in the menu and in the world.
"colorMap": [1, 0, 1] // The length of this corresponds to the number of layers your texture has, and the number corresponds to the colorschemes. 0 is the first one, 1, the second, 2 the third, etc.