Extensive Diamonds is a seamless mod which is a great small addition to Vanilla Minecraft!
This mod adds four new diamond types - red, green, dark, and fused - that all help players with their daily tasks, whether it be PvP or defeating Vanilla mobs. Every diamond can be used to craft new weapons, and some can be used to craft other items, like gear.
In addition to this, the mod adds two new painting variants and a couple of new achievements.
The red, green, and dark diamonds can all be found generated underground, like regular diamonds are generated in Vanilla Minecraft. The recommended range for finding these is around the same Y level as regular diamonds. Each diamond can be used to craft swords which give opponents (and other players!) different effects.
- Red: Lights target on fire for 5 seconds
- Green: Poison 3 for 3 seconds
- Dark: Wither 2 for 3 seconds and Slowness 1 for 6 seconds
The fused diamond is a special diamond that cannot be obtained in regular survival, but can be made by fusing the red, green, and dark diamonds together. It can also be found in loot tables of some structures, and can be used to craft not only tools, but also special gear which gives you combined status effects of all the separate diamonds!
To get a fused diamond, you need to fuse a red, green, and dark diamond. To do this, craft a gem charger (see image section to know how to do so) and input one of each diamond into the slots. Ta da! You have yourself a fused diamond. Happy surviving!
Note: This mod only works with Fabric API and not Forge.
Mod link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/extensive-diamonds
Translations: https://poeditor.com/join/project/fCwa0aMYzo
Discord server: https://discord.gg/wM4CKTbFVN