feat: new bypasses matrix & vulcan
feat: verus glide & uncp lowhop
feat: Log4j, CommandComplete, Inventory, MultiverseCore - server crasher
feat: Made slow rotation starts occur a bit more realistically.
fix: fireball fly values
feat: antifireball ticks check
fix: fixed nullpointer spam
fix: fixed backtrack chunk & tickbase working with no targets
feat: Border Classic Notifications and fix commands AddAll, Clip, ConnectCommand
feat: SnakeGame color and font size
feat: Made SimulateShortStop perform a bit more realistic sho…
feat: Chance option to SuperKnockback.
feat: Config Command - openfolder/create config/list config/delete config/load config/current
fix: TimerRange use spot
feat: A bit of a more realistic speed change for the Relative…
feat: GuiClicker Module
What's Changed
- Intave food noslow by @MatrixU5er in #1209
Full Changelog: b4...b5