Releases: SkyHorizon3/ModernStaggerLock
Releases · SkyHorizon3/ModernStaggerLock
Modern Stagger Lock Framework-v1.07 AE
SKSE plugin & behavior patch framework that introduces the modern action games style stagger lock animations into Skyrim.
- Continually stagger behavior which allow you to stagger an actor twice and more. Currently supporting humandio, draugr ,falmer.
- Custom stagger animations with annotatable transition window for humandio actors.
- Disable player jump while staggering (optional)
- Quick recovery from stagger via performing TK Dodge, DMCO, TUDM.
This mod itself only a stagger animations framework, it would require another mod to rework Skyrim's stagger trigger mechanism!
Incompatible With:
- Scriptfree Behavior Staggerlock - SBS
- Cancelable large stagger
- Potential conflict with any nemesis patch that edit things relate with stagger.
Compatible With:
- Elden Rim - Weapon Arts
- Loki Poise
- Stagger On Hit
- Chocolate Poise
- Sekiro Combat
- Any other posie mods.
- SE, AE and maybe VR
For Animators
Read this doc.