this repo code is submit for the tianchi competetion Spark:"Digital body" AI Challenge.
Here is tianchi_spinalAI_detection_competetion link
the result is 27/3107 in final round at GPU track;
this code is base on the Unet and ResNet. For more design details, please refer to the following blog. my blog
datafile like this. you can download from tianchi platform. dataset link
prepare the requirement.txt
numpy==1.18.1 pandas==1.0.4 imgaug==0.4.0 matplotlib==3.2.1 visdom== torchsummary==1.5.1 scikit_image==0.17.2 tqdm==4.46.1 Pillow==7.2.0 SimpleITK==1.2.4 torchvision~=0.6.1 scikit-image~=0.17.2
,set the correct file path and name and choice to display the viz. -
this is all. please makes a star if you like my contribution.