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viciscat authored Nov 23, 2024
1 parent 7e98ed5 commit a09b3fb
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 153 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.block.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
import net.minecraft.particle.ParticleTypes;
Expand All @@ -21,160 +22,172 @@
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Box;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class CrystalsChestHighlighter {

private static final MinecraftClient CLIENT = MinecraftClient.getInstance();
private static final String CHEST_SPAWN_MESSAGE = "You uncovered a treasure chest!";
private static final long MAX_PARTICLE_LIFE_TIME = 250;
private static final Vec3d LOCK_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE = new Vec3d(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);

private static int waitingForChest = 0;
private static final List<BlockPos> activeChests = new ArrayList<>();
private static final Object2LongOpenHashMap<Vec3d> activeParticles = new Object2LongOpenHashMap<>();
private static int currentLockCount = 0;
private static int neededLockCount = 0;

public static void init() {
ClientPlayConnectionEvents.JOIN.register((_handler, _sender, _client) -> reset());

private static void reset() {
waitingForChest = 0;
currentLockCount = 0;

private static void extractLocationFromMessage(Text text, boolean b) {
if (!Utils.isInCrystalHollows() || !SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlighter) {
//if a chest is spawned add chest to look for
if (text.getString().matches(CHEST_SPAWN_MESSAGE)) {
waitingForChest += 1;

* When a block is updated in the crystal hollows if looking for a chest see if it's a chest and if so add to active. or remove active chests from where air is placed
* @param pos location of block update
* @param state the new state of the block
public static void onBlockUpdate(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) {
if (!SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlighter || CLIENT.player == null) {
if (waitingForChest > 0 && state.isOf(Blocks.CHEST)) {
//make sure it is not too far from the player (more than 10 blocks away)
if (pos.getSquaredDistance(CLIENT.player.getPos()) > 100) {
currentLockCount = 0;
waitingForChest -= 1;
} else if (state.isAir() && activeChests.contains(pos)) {
currentLockCount = 0;

* When a particle is spawned add that particle to active particles if correct for lock picking
* @param packet particle spawn packet
public static void onParticle(ParticleS2CPacket packet) {
if (!Utils.isInCrystalHollows() || !SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlighter) {
if (ParticleTypes.CRIT.equals(packet.getParameters().getType())) {
activeParticles.put(new Vec3d(packet.getX(), packet.getY(), packet.getZ()), System.currentTimeMillis());

* Updates {@link CrystalsChestHighlighter#currentLockCount} and clears {@link CrystalsChestHighlighter#activeParticles} based on lock pick related sound events.
* @param packet sound packet
public static void onSound(PlaySoundS2CPacket packet) {
if (!Utils.isInCrystalHollows() || !SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlighter) {
String path = packet.getSound().value().id().getPath();
//lock picked sound
if (path.equals("entity.experience_orb.pickup") && packet.getPitch() == 1) {
currentLockCount += 1;
//lock pick fail sound
} else if (path.equals("")) {
currentLockCount = 0;
//lock pick finish sound
} else if (path.equals("")) {
//set the needed lock count to the current, so we know how many locks a chest has
neededLockCount = currentLockCount;

* If enabled, renders a box around active treasure chests, taking the color from the config.
* Additionally, calculates and displaces the highlight to indicate lock-picking spots on chests.
* Finally, renders text showing how many lock picks the player has done
* @param context context
private static void render(WorldRenderContext context) {
if (!Utils.isInCrystalHollows() || !SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlighter) {
//render chest outline
float[] color = SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlightColor.getComponents(new float[]{0, 0, 0, 0});
for (BlockPos chest : activeChests) {
RenderHelper.renderOutline(context, Box.of(chest.toCenterPos().subtract(0, 0.0625, 0), 0.885, 0.885, 0.885), color, color[3], 3, false);

//render lock picking if player is looking at chest that is in the active chests list
if (CLIENT.player == null) {
HitResult target = CLIENT.crosshairTarget;
if (target instanceof BlockHitResult blockHitResult && activeChests.contains(blockHitResult.getBlockPos())) {
Vec3d chestPos = blockHitResult.getBlockPos().toCenterPos();

if (!activeParticles.isEmpty()) {
//the player is looking at a chest use active particle to highlight correct spot
Vec3d highlightSpot = Vec3d.ZERO;

//if to old remove particle
activeParticles.object2LongEntrySet().removeIf(e -> System.currentTimeMillis() - e.getLongValue() > MAX_PARTICLE_LIFE_TIME);

//add up all particle within range of active block
for (Vec3d particlePos : activeParticles.keySet()) {
if (particlePos.squaredDistanceTo(chestPos) <= 0.75) {
highlightSpot = highlightSpot.add(particlePos);

//render the spot
highlightSpot = highlightSpot.multiply((double) 1 / activeParticles.size()).subtract(LOCK_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE.multiply(0.5));
RenderHelper.renderFilled(context, highlightSpot, LOCK_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE, color, color[3], true);

//render total text if needed is more than 0
if (neededLockCount <= 0) {
RenderHelper.renderText(context, Text.literal(Math.min(currentLockCount, neededLockCount) + "/" + neededLockCount).withColor(SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlightColor.getRGB()), chestPos, true);
private static final MinecraftClient CLIENT = MinecraftClient.getInstance();
private static final String CHEST_SPAWN_MESSAGE = "You uncovered a treasure chest!";
private static final long MAX_PARTICLE_LIFE_TIME = 250;
private static final Vec3d LOCK_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE = new Vec3d(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);

private static int waitingForChest = 0;
private static final Set<BlockPos> activeChests = new HashSet<>();
private static final Object2LongOpenHashMap<Vec3d> activeParticles = new Object2LongOpenHashMap<>();
private static int currentLockCount = 0;
private static int neededLockCount = 0;

public static void init() {
ClientPlayConnectionEvents.JOIN.register((_handler, _sender, _client) -> reset());

private static void reset() {
waitingForChest = 0;
currentLockCount = 0;

private static void extractLocationFromMessage(Text text, boolean b) {
if (!Utils.isInCrystalHollows() || !SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlighter) {
//if a chest is spawned add chest to look for
if (text.getString().matches(CHEST_SPAWN_MESSAGE)) {
waitingForChest += 1;

* When a block is updated in the crystal hollows if looking for a chest see if it's a chest and if so add to active. or remove active chests from where air is placed
* @param pos location of block update
* @param state the new state of the block
public static void onBlockUpdate(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) {
if (!SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlighter || CLIENT.player == null) {
if (waitingForChest > 0 && state.isOf(Blocks.CHEST)) {
//make sure it is not too far from the player (more than 10 blocks away)
if (pos.getSquaredDistance(CLIENT.player.getPos()) > 100) {
currentLockCount = 0;
waitingForChest -= 1;
} else if (state.isAir() && activeChests.contains(pos)) {
currentLockCount = 0;

* When a particle is spawned add that particle to active particles if correct for lock picking
* @param packet particle spawn packet
public static void onParticle(ParticleS2CPacket packet) {
if (!Utils.isInCrystalHollows() || !SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlighter) {
if (ParticleTypes.CRIT.equals(packet.getParameters().getType())) {
activeParticles.put(new Vec3d(packet.getX(), packet.getY(), packet.getZ()), System.currentTimeMillis());

* Updates {@link CrystalsChestHighlighter#currentLockCount} and clears {@link CrystalsChestHighlighter#activeParticles} based on lock pick related sound events.
* @param packet sound packet
public static void onSound(PlaySoundS2CPacket packet) {
ClientPlayerEntity player = MinecraftClient.getInstance().player;
if (player == null || !Utils.isInCrystalHollows() || !SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlighter) {
String path = packet.getSound().value().id().getPath();
//lock picked sound
if (path.equals("entity.experience_orb.pickup") && packet.getPitch() == 1 && !activeChests.isEmpty()) {
Vec3d eyePos = player.getCameraPosVec(0);
Vec3d rotationVec = player.getRotationVec(0);
double range = player.getBlockInteractionRange();
Vec3d vec3d3 = eyePos.add(rotationVec.x * range, rotationVec.y * range, rotationVec.z * range);
BlockHitResult raycast = player.getWorld().raycast(new BlockStateRaycastContext(eyePos, vec3d3, blockState -> blockState.isOf(Blocks.CHEST)));
if (!raycast.getType().equals(HitResult.Type.MISS)) {
currentLockCount += 1;
//lock pick fail sound
} else if (path.equals("")) {
currentLockCount = 0;
//lock pick finish sound
} else if (path.equals("")) {
//set the needed lock count to the current, so we know how many locks a chest has
neededLockCount = Math.min(currentLockCount, 5);
currentLockCount = 0;

* If enabled, renders a box around active treasure chests, taking the color from the config.
* Additionally, calculates and displaces the highlight to indicate lock-picking spots on chests.
* Finally, renders text showing how many lock picks the player has done
* @param context context
private static void render(WorldRenderContext context) {
if (!Utils.isInCrystalHollows() || !SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlighter) {
//render chest outline
float[] color = SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlightColor.getComponents(new float[]{0, 0, 0, 0});
for (BlockPos chest : activeChests) {
RenderHelper.renderOutline(context, Box.of(chest.toCenterPos().subtract(0, 0.0625, 0), 0.885, 0.885, 0.885), color, color[3], 3, false);

//render lock picking if player is looking at chest that is in the active chests list
if (CLIENT.player == null) {
HitResult target = CLIENT.crosshairTarget;
if (target instanceof BlockHitResult blockHitResult && activeChests.contains(blockHitResult.getBlockPos())) {
Vec3d chestPos = blockHitResult.getBlockPos().toCenterPos();

if (!activeParticles.isEmpty()) {
//the player is looking at a chest use active particle to highlight correct spot
Vec3d highlightSpot = Vec3d.ZERO;

//if to old remove particle
activeParticles.object2LongEntrySet().removeIf(e -> System.currentTimeMillis() - e.getLongValue() > MAX_PARTICLE_LIFE_TIME);

//add up all particle within range of active block
int addedParticles = 0;
for (Vec3d particlePos : activeParticles.keySet()) {
if (particlePos.squaredDistanceTo(chestPos) <= 0.8) {
highlightSpot = highlightSpot.add(particlePos);

//render the spot
highlightSpot = highlightSpot.multiply((double) 1 / addedParticles).subtract(LOCK_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE.multiply(0.5));
RenderHelper.renderFilled(context, highlightSpot, LOCK_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE, color, color[3], true);

//render total text if needed is more than 0
if (neededLockCount <= 0) {
RenderHelper.renderText(context, Text.literal(Math.min(currentLockCount, neededLockCount) + "/" + neededLockCount).withColor(SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalHollows.chestHighlightColor.getRGB()), chestPos, true);

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