A World of Warcraft AddOn. Download locations: CurseForge | Wago.io
Transmog Loot Helper shows you transmog looted by your fellow party/raid members that you still need, and features icons to show items' collection status.
One click, and you can ask them for it. This message is customisable.
It will also tell you how many times your group has collectively asked this player for an item, and it will show you if fellow TLH users learned an appearance from the item you're about to ask for.
Includes icons for unlearned transmog, mounts, pets, toys, and recipes. These show on items, in the Auction House, in your profession window, and on world quest pins.
Currently supported AddOns:
- ArkInventory
- Baganator
- World Quest Tab
- If you run into any issues or if you have other feedback, feel free to join the Discord and ask in the
channel, or create a ticket on GitHub. :)