Useful resources for creating apps with Neutralinojs
Neutralinojs is a lightweight and portable desktop application development framework. It lets you develop lightweight cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
SeasonFall - Simple JavaScript game using data from the OpenWeatherMap API.
NeuTodo - Simple cross-platform todo app, built on top of Typescript, Vue, Vuetify and Neutralinojs
Cloudflare Warp - Unofficial Cloudflare WARP GUI client for Linux written on Neutralino
Myoro Editor - A Simple text editor
Translate Tool - A simple translate tool to translate text
Weather Psychic - A Simple weather app
Simon - Simon game built using NeutralinoJs
Minesweeper - Minesweeper game built using NeutralinoJs
Drums - A Neutralino app for playing drums
LiteMan - A simple file viewer app written in Neutralinojs
LitePy - World's simplest Python editor built with Neutralinojs
SimpleTime - A cross-platform timer and stopwatch app with modern design in mind
E.R.A.K - A program for creating your own encyclopedia of relative and absolute knowledge.
neutralinojs-minimal - The simplest template for a Neutralinojs app
react-neutralino - A NeutralinoJS Boilerplate With React Frontend Library
vite-react-neutralino - Neutralino Boilerplate With React As Frontend Framework and Vite As Bundler
neu-react-ts-vite-template - Neutralino template with ReactJS, TypeScript and Vite
svelte-neutralino - Neutralino Boilerplate With Svelte As Frontend Framework
neutralino-custom-titlebar - NeutralinoJS Boilerplate With Custom TitleBar
vite-neutralinojs-template - Starter template for Neutralino.js with Vite.js and Vue.js
neutralino-ext-bun - A Bun-Extension. Bun is a blazingly fast and almost completely NodeJS-compatible JS Runtime. Easy to embed into your Neutralino App.
neutralino-ext-node - A NodeJS Exentsion for NeutralinoJS. Node can be emebedded with all dependencies right into your Nutralino App.
neutralino-ext-python - A low-code Python-Extension for NeutralinoJS. This turns Neutralino into a reactive Python GUI.
neutralino-ext-rust - A low-code Rust-Extension for NeutralinoJS. Use highspeed solutions in Rust, right in your Neutralino app.
Create Neutralino App - Set up a NeutralinoJS App by running one command
AppImage Bundler - Bundle your Neutralino project in AppImage
Neu AppImage - Package Neutralino Application Into AppImage Format
Neu Appify- Convert any SPA to a lightweight desktop app - Appify plugin for neu-cli
neutralino-autoupdate - Enhanced Auto-Updater.
neutralino-build-scripts - Build-Automation for macOS, Windows and Linux. Creates macOS AppBundles which can be signed and notarized. Icons can be applied to Windows and Linux builds.
Contributions are welcome!