Personal Project
src / animal / [java files]
- Ensure you have Java downloaded to your computer (Java download)
- Download the zip of the repository
- This is located on the main repository page in the green "code" dropdown menu
- Use your computer's command prompt and navigate to the downloaded repository
- Navigate to the src directory
- Compile the files
src$ javac animal/
- Then run the main method file
src$ java animal/AnimalWeightGUI
- Type the amount the pets weighs
- Select "kilo" or "pound" depending on unit of measure
- Type in the "Body Condition Score"
- Navigate to the "Instruction" button then either the "Cat" or "Dog" chart button for a body condition chart
- Type in the number of calories per cup of food, found on the animal's bag of food
- Press "Compute"
The results include the animal's ideal weight and the suggested amount of food based on different feeding schedules