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Multiprocessing Pool Implementation for TypeScript

npm npm Coverage Status Build and test Minified Size License: MIT


Multiprocessing pool implementation for NodeJS and TypeScript.

Real multiprocessing is implemented using child_process module.


npm i multiprocessor

Usage example

import { Pool } from 'multiprocessor';

const poolSize = 4;

const pool = new Pool(poolSize);
const input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

const result = await, calcSinTask, {
  onTaskSuccess: (result: number, input: number, index: number) => {
    console.log(`Task #${index} | result: ${result}, input: ${input}`);
  onTaskError: (error: string, input: number, index: number) => {
    console.log(`Task #${index} | error: ${error}, input: ${input}`);

// [ 0.8414, 0.9092, 0.1411, ... ]

function calcSinTask(x: number): number {
  let result = 0;
  let sign = 1;
  let power = x;
  let factorial = 1;

  for (let n = 0; n < 1000000; n++) {
    if (n > 0) {
      factorial *= (2 * n) * (2 * n + 1);
      power *= x * x;
      sign *= -1;

    const delta = sign * (power / factorial);

    if (isNaN(result + delta)) {
      return result

    result += delta;

  return result;

Example with import

You can run this example from this repository.

// File: src/index.ts
import { Pool } from 'multiprocessor';

const poolSize = 4;

const pool = new Pool(poolSize);
const input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

const result = await, calcSinTask, {
  onTaskSuccess: (result: number, input: number, index: number) => {
    console.log(`Task #${index} | result: ${result}, input: ${input}`);
  onTaskError: (error: string, input: number, index: number) => {
    console.log(`Task #${index} | error: ${error}, input: ${input}`);

// [ 0.8414, 0.9092, 0.1411, ... ]

async function calcSinTask(x: number): Promise<number> {
  const dirName = __dirname.replace('/node_modules/multiprocessor/lib', '/src');
  const { calcSin } = await import(`${dirName}/path/to/your/module`);
  return calcSin(x);
// File: src/path/to/your/module.ts
export function calcSin(x: number): number {
  let result = 0;
  let sign = 1;
  let power = x;
  let factorial = 1;

  for (let n = 0; n < 1000000; n++) {
    if (n > 0) {
      factorial *= (2 * n) * (2 * n + 1);
      power *= x * x;
      sign *= -1;

    const delta = calcDelta(sign, power, factorial);

    if (isNaN(result + delta)) {
      return result

    result += delta;

  return result;

function calcDelta(sign: number, power: number, factorial: number): number {
  return sign * (power / factorial);

API Reference

For detailed documentation and usage examples, please refer to the API documentation.


export type Task<TInput, TResult> = (input: TInput) => (Promise<TResult> | TResult);
export type TaskSuccessHandler<TInput, TResult> = (result: TResult, input: TInput, index: number) => void;
export type TaskErrorHandler<TInput> = (error: string, input: TInput, index: number) => void;
export type TaskResponse<TResult> = [number, TResult | undefined, string | undefined];


class Pool extends EventEmitter {
   * Create a new pool with the specified number of workers.
   * @param poolSize The number of workers to create in the pool.
  constructor(poolSize: number);

   * Asynchronously processes tasks from the provided inputs in an ordered manner.
   * Tasks are executed concurrently using a pool of workers.
   * @template TInput The type of the input elements.
   * @template TResult The type of the result elements.
   * @param inputs An iterable or async iterable of input elements.
   * @param task The task to execute for each input element.
   * @param taskHandlers Optional handlers for task events (onTaskSuccess, onTaskError).
   * @returns A promise that resolves to an array of task results in the order of the input elements.
  public async map<TInput, TResult>(
    inputs: Iterable<TInput> | AsyncIterable<TInput>,
    task: Task<TInput, TResult>,
    taskHandlers?: TaskHandlers<TInput, TResult>,
  ): Promise<Array<TResult | undefined>>;

   * Asynchronously processes tasks from the provided inputs in a lazy ordered manner.
   * Tasks are executed concurrently using a pool of workers.
   * @template TInput The type of the input elements.
   * @template TResult The type of the result elements.
   * @param inputs An iterable or async iterable of input elements.
   * @param task The task to execute for each input element.
   * @param taskHandlers Optional handlers for task events (onTaskSuccess, onTaskError).
   * @returns An async generator yielding results of the tasks in the order of the input elements.
  public async *imap<TInput, TResult>(
    inputs: Iterable<TInput> | AsyncIterable<TInput>,
    task: Task<TInput, TResult>,
    taskHandlers?: TaskHandlers<TInput, TResult>,
  ): AsyncGenerator<TResult | undefined>;

   * Asynchronously processes tasks from the provided inputs in a lazy unordered manner.
   * Tasks are executed concurrently using a pool of workers.
   * @template TInput The type of the input elements.
   * @template TResult The type of the result elements.
   * @param inputs An iterable or async iterable of input elements.
   * @param task The task to execute for each input element.
   * @param taskHandlers Optional handlers for task events (onTaskSuccess, onTaskError).
   * @returns An async generator yielding results of the tasks in completion order.
  public async *imapUnordered<TInput, TResult>(
    inputs: Iterable<TInput> | AsyncIterable<TInput>,
    task: Task<TInput, TResult>,
    taskHandlers?: TaskHandlers<TInput, TResult>,
  ): AsyncGenerator<TResult | undefined>;

   * Asynchronously processes tasks from the provided inputs in a lazy unordered manner with extended information.
   * Tasks are executed concurrently using a pool of workers.
   * @template TInput The type of the input elements.
   * @template TResult The type of the result elements.
   * @param inputs An iterable or async iterable of input elements.
   * @param task The task to execute for each input element.
   * @param taskHandlers Optional handlers for task events (onTaskSuccess, onTaskError).
   * @returns An async generator yielding task responses containing the index, result or error for each task.
  public async *imapUnorderedExtended<TInput, TResult>(
    inputs: Iterable<TInput> | AsyncIterable<TInput>,
    task: Task<TInput, TResult>,
    taskHandlers?: TaskHandlers<TInput, TResult>,
  ): AsyncGenerator<TaskResponse<TResult>>;

   * Closes the worker pool by terminating all worker processes.
   * This method should be called when the pool is no longer needed
   * to ensure that all resources are properly released.
  public close();

Unit testing

npm i
npm run test


Multiprocessor TS is licensed under the MIT License.