Call Tree Builder
This project is mainly for converting call tree graphs described in CCTree format, into .dot format.
One useful usecase:
- Collect several call tree graphs generated by CCTree vim plugin, put them into one file
- Convert to .dot: run <path/to/graph.cct> <path/to/>
. - Convert to .gml (via graphviz): run
gv2gml <path/to/> -o <path/to/graph.gml>
. - Load .gml file in yEd.
- In yEd go to
Ctrl+A -> Tools -> Fit node to label
, thenLayout -> Hierarchical
Now your can move nodes as you like and create some useful painted call graphs.
Example cctree graph:
+-> node a
+-> node b # comment edge a->b
+-< node b
+-< node c # comment edge c->b
+-> node c
+-> node d #1
+-> node e #2
+-> node f #3
+-> A #
+-> if (condition) # shape=ellipse
+-> B # true
+-> C # false
+-> A # color=#00ccff
Example gml visualization in yEd: