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1010adigupta committed Mar 27, 2024
1 parent 87471d6 commit 7855a3f
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Showing 13 changed files with 1,241 additions and 0 deletions.

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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
use std::{

use alloy_sol_macro::sol;
use alloy_sol_types::SolCall;
use alloy_primitives::{hex, Bytes, FixedBytes, U256};
use brontes_types::traits::TracingProvider;
use futures::TryFutureExt;
use reth_primitives::{Address, Bytecode, StorageValue};
use reth_rpc_types::{request::TransactionInput, TransactionRequest};

use super::CurvePool;
use crate::errors::AmmError;


struct PoolData {
address[] tokens;
uint8[] tokenDecimals;
uint256 fee;
uint256[] reserves;
uint256 aValue;
uint256 gammaValue;

function data_constructor(
address[] memory pools,
uint256[] memory asset_length) returns(PoolData[]);

// Positions of crypto pool immutables in the bytecode
const PRICE_SCALE_PACKED_RANGE: std::ops::Range<usize> = "4542..4542 + 40";
const FUTURE_A_GAMMA_TIME_RANGE: std::ops::Range<usize> = "9128..9128 + 40";

pub fn extract_curve_crypto_pool_immutables(bytecode: Bytes) -> (U256, U256) {
// Slices
let price_scale_packed_slice = &bytecode[PRICE_SCALE_PACKED_RANGE];
let future_a_gamma_time_slice = &bytecode[FUTURE_A_GAMMA_TIME_RANGE];

let price_scale_packed = from_utf8(price_scale_packed_slice).unwrap();
let future_a_gamma_time = from_utf8(future_a_gamma_time_slice).unwrap();

let price_scale_packed = U256::from_str_radix(price_scale_packed, 16).unwrap();
let future_a_gamma_time = U256::from_str_radix(future_a_gamma_time, 16).unwrap();

(price_scale_packed, future_a_gamma_time)

fn populate_pool_data(mut pool: CurvePool, pool_data: PoolData) -> CurvePool {
pool.tokens = pool_data.tokens;
pool.token_decimals = pool_data.tokenDecimals;
pool.fee = pool_data.fee;
pool.a_value = pool_data.aValue;
pool.gamma_value = pool_data.gammaValue;
pool.reserves = pool_data.reserves;


pub async fn get_curve_crypto_pool_data_batch_request<M: TracingProvider>(
pool: &mut CurvePool,
block_number: Option<u64>,
middleware: Arc<M>,
) -> Result<(), AmmError> {

// Pool Storage Slots
let d_value_slot: FixedBytes<32> = FixedBytes::new(["0u8; 32"]);

// Fetch from db
let d_value: Option<StorageValue> = middleware
.get_storage(block_number, pool.address, d_value_slot)

// Fetch bytecode
let pool_bytecode: Option<Bytecode> =
middleware.get_bytecode(block_number, pool.address).await?;

// Decode liquidity
if let Some(d_value) = d_value {
let d_value = hex::encode::<[u8; 32]>(d_value.to_be_bytes());
let d_value = u128::from_str_radix(&d_value[d_value.len() - 16..], 16).unwrap();
pool.d_value = U256::from(d_value);

// Extract price_scale_packed, future_a_gamma_time from bytecode
if let Some(pool_bytecode) = pool_bytecode {
let pool_bytecode = Bytes::from(hex::encode_prefixed(pool_bytecode.bytecode.as_ref()));
let (price_scale_packed, future_a_gamma_time) = extract_curve_crypto_pool_immutables(pool_bytecode);
pool.price_scale_packed = price_scale_packed;
pool.future_a_gamma_time = future_a_gamma_time;

let mut bytecode = IGetCurveCryptoDataBatchRequest::BYTECODE.to_vec();
.abi_encode_raw(&mut bytecode);

let req = TransactionRequest {
to: None,
input: TransactionInput::new(bytecode.into()),

let res = middleware
.eth_call(req,|i| i.into()), None, None)
.map_err(|e| eyre::eyre!("curve crypto call failed, err={}", e))

let mut return_data = data_constructorCall::abi_decode_returns(&res, false)?;
*pool = populate_pool_data(pool.to_owned(), return_data._0.remove(0));
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
use alloy_primitives::U256;

const PRECISION: U256 = U256::from_limbs([1_000_000_000_000_000_000, 0, 0, 0]);
const A_MULTIPLIER: U256 = U256::from_limbs([10000, 0, 0, 0]);
const U256_ONE: U256 = U256::from_limbs([1, 0, 0, 0]);
const MIN_GAMMA: U256 = U256::from_limbs([1_000_000_000_0, 0, 0, 0]);
const MAX_GAMMA: U256 = U256::from_limbs([5_000_000_000_000_000_0, 0, 0, 0]);

pub fn calculate_exchange_rate_crypto(
reserves: Vec<U256>,
n_assets: U256,
coin_decimals: Vec<u8>,
sold_id: usize,
bought_id: usize,
price_scale_packed: U256,
future_a_gamma_time: Option<usize>,
d_value: U256,
a_0: U256,
a_1: U256,
) -> U256 {
let mut xp = reserves;
let price_size = U256::from(256) / (n_assets - U256::from(1));
let price_mask = U256::from(2).pow(price_size) - U256::from(1);
let mut price_scale = Vec::new();
let mut packed_prices = price_scale_packed;
let n_coins: usize =;
let mut d_var = d_value;
for _ in 0..n_coins - 1 {
let price = packed_prices & price_mask; // Extract price using bitwise AND
price_scale.push(price); // Store the extracted price
packed_prices = packed_prices >> price_size; // Right shift for next price
let mut precisions = Vec::new();
for i in 0..n_coins {
let precision = U256::from(10).pow(U256::from(18 - coin_decimals[i]));
xp[0] *= precisions[0];

for k in 1..n_coins {
xp[k] = (xp[k] * price_scale[k - 1] * precisions[k]) / PRECISION;
let prec_i = precisions[sold_id];
if let Some(_future_a_gamma_time) = future_a_gamma_time {
let mut x0 = xp[sold_id];
x0 *= prec_i;
if sold_id > 0 {
x0 = (x0 * price_scale[sold_id - 1]) / PRECISION;
let x1 = xp[sold_id];
xp[sold_id] = x0;
d_var = newton_d( a_0, a_1, &xp, n_assets);
xp[sold_id] = x1;

let prec_j = precisions[bought_id];
let mut dy: U256 =
xp[bought_id] -
newton_y(a_0, a_1, xp, d_var, bought_id, n_assets);
dy -= U256::from(1);
if bought_id > 0 {
dy = (dy * PRECISION) / price_scale[bought_id - 1];
dy / prec_j

fn newton_d(ann: U256, gamma: U256, x_unsorted: &Vec<U256>, n_assets: U256) -> U256 {
let n_coins = n_assets.clone();
let min_a = (n_coins.pow(n_coins) * A_MULTIPLIER) / U256::from(100);
let max_a = n_coins.pow(n_coins) * A_MULTIPLIER * U256::from(1000);
assert!(ann > min_a - U256_ONE && ann < max_a + U256_ONE, "unsafe values A");
assert!(gamma > MIN_GAMMA - U256_ONE && gamma < MAX_GAMMA + U256_ONE, "unsafe values gamma");

let x = sort(& x_unsorted);
x[0] > U256::from(1_000_000_000 - 1) &&
x[0] < U256::from(1_000_000_000_000_000) * PRECISION + U256_ONE,
"unsafe values x[0]"

for i in {
let frac = (x[i] * PRECISION) / x[0];
assert!(frac > U256::from(100_000_000_000 - 1), "unsafe values x[i]");

let mut d = n_coins * geometric_mean(x.clone(), false);
let mut s = U256::ZERO;
for x_i in &x {
s += *x_i;

for _ in 0..255 {
let d_prev = d;
let mut k0 = PRECISION;
for x_i in &x {
k0 = (k0 * *x_i * n_coins) / d;

let mut g1k0 = gamma + PRECISION;
g1k0 = if g1k0 > k0 { g1k0 - k0 + U256_ONE } else { k0 - g1k0 + U256_ONE };

let mul1 = (((((PRECISION * d) / gamma) * g1k0) / gamma) * g1k0 * A_MULTIPLIER) / ann;
let mul2 = (U256::from(2) * PRECISION * n_coins * k0) / g1k0;
let neg_fprime =
s + (s * mul2) / PRECISION + (mul1 * n_coins) / k0 - (mul2 * d) / PRECISION;

let d_plus = (d * (neg_fprime + s)) / neg_fprime;
let mut d_minus = (d * d) / neg_fprime;
if PRECISION > k0 {
d_minus +=
(((d * (mul1 / neg_fprime)) / PRECISION) * (PRECISION - k0)) / k0;
} else {
d_minus -=
(((d * (mul1 / neg_fprime)) / PRECISION) * (k0 - PRECISION)) / k0;

d = if d_plus > d_minus { d_plus - d_minus } else { (d_minus - d_plus) / U256::from(2) };

let diff = if d > d_prev { d - d_prev } else { d_prev - d };
if diff * (PRECISION / U256::from(10000)) < U256::max(PRECISION / U256::from(100), d) {
for x_i in &x {
let frac = (*x_i * PRECISION) / d;
frac > (PRECISION / U256::from(100)) - U256_ONE && frac < (PRECISION * U256::from(100)) + U256_ONE,
"unsafe values x[i]"
return d;

panic!("Did not converge");

fn newton_y(ann: U256, gamma: U256, mut x: Vec<U256>, d: U256, i: usize, n_assets: U256) -> U256 {
let n_coins = n_assets.clone();
let min_a = (n_coins.pow(n_coins) * A_MULTIPLIER) / U256::from(100);
let max_a = n_coins.pow(n_coins) * A_MULTIPLIER * U256::from(1000);
assert!(ann > min_a - U256_ONE && ann < max_a + U256_ONE, "unsafe values A");
gamma > MIN_GAMMA - U256_ONE && gamma < MAX_GAMMA + U256_ONE,
"unsafe values gamma"
d > U256::from(10).pow(U256::from(17)) - U256_ONE &&
d < U256::from(10).pow(U256::from(15)) * PRECISION + U256_ONE,
"unsafe values D"

for &x_k in &x {
if x_k != x[i] {
let frac = (x_k * PRECISION) / d;
frac > (PRECISION / U256::from(100)) - U256_ONE && frac < (PRECISION * U256::from(100)) + U256_ONE,
"unsafe values x[k]"

let mut y = d / n_coins;
let mut k0_i = PRECISION;
let mut s_i = U256::ZERO;

x[i] = U256::ZERO; // Temporarily set x[i] to 0 for calculations
let x_sorted = sort(&x);
let asset_count: usize =;
for j in 2..=asset_count {
let _x = x_sorted[asset_count - j];
y = (y * d) / (_x * n_coins);
s_i += _x;
for x_j in &x_sorted[0..asset_count - 1] {
k0_i = (k0_i * *x_j * n_coins) / d;

let convergence_limit = U256::max(
U256::max(x_sorted[0] / (PRECISION / U256::from(10000)), d / (PRECISION / U256::from(10000))),
for _ in 0..255 {
let y_prev = y;
let k0 = (k0_i * y * n_coins) / d;
let s = s_i + y;

let mut g1k0 = gamma + PRECISION;
g1k0 = if g1k0 > k0 { g1k0 - k0 + U256_ONE } else { k0 - g1k0 + U256_ONE };

let mul1 = (((((PRECISION * d) / gamma) * g1k0) / gamma) * g1k0 * A_MULTIPLIER) / ann;
let mul2 = PRECISION + (U256::from(2) * PRECISION * k0) / g1k0;

let yfprime = PRECISION * y + s * mul2 + mul1;
let dyfprime = d * mul2;
let mut y_minus: U256;
let y_plus: U256;

if yfprime < dyfprime {
y = y_prev / U256::from(2);
} else {
let fprime = yfprime - dyfprime;
y_minus = mul1 / fprime;
y_plus = (yfprime + PRECISION * d) / fprime + (y_minus * PRECISION) / k0;
y_minus += (PRECISION * s) / fprime;

y = if y_plus > y_minus { y_plus - y_minus } else { y_prev / U256::from(2) }; // Adjust based on condition

let diff = if y > y_prev { y - y_prev } else { y_prev - y };
if diff < U256::max(convergence_limit, y / (PRECISION / U256::from(10000))) {
let frac = (y * PRECISION) / d;
frac > (PRECISION / U256::from(100)) - U256_ONE && frac < (PRECISION * U256::from(100)) + U256_ONE,
"unsafe value for y"
return y;

panic!("Did not converge");

fn sort(values: &Vec<U256>) -> Vec<U256>{
let mut values_sorted = values.clone();
values_sorted.sort_by(|a, b| a.cmp(b));

fn geometric_mean(unsorted_x: Vec<U256>, sort: bool) -> U256 {
let x = if sort {
let mut sorted_x = unsorted_x.clone();
sorted_x.sort(); // Sorts in ascending order by default
} else {

let n_coins = U256::from(x.len() as u64);
let mut d = x[0];
let mut diff :U256;

for _ in 0..255 {
let d_prev = d;
let mut tmp = PRECISION;
for &_x in &x {
tmp = tmp.saturating_mul(_x) / d; // Adjusted for U256, using saturating_mul for overflow safety
d = d.saturating_mul(n_coins.saturating_sub(U256_ONE) * PRECISION + tmp) / (n_coins * PRECISION);
diff = if d > d_prev { d.saturating_sub(d_prev) } else { d_prev.saturating_sub(d) };

if diff <= U256_ONE || diff.saturating_mul(PRECISION) < d {
return d;
panic!("Did not converge");

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
pub mod crypto_swap_invariant;

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