This project is no longer maintained, and should be considered deprecated. Use at your own risk.
Telegram have made many breaking changes since this bot was last updated, and as such, there are no expectations that this will work. Notably, user IDs have gone from 32 bit to 64, which will cause issues with the database that I do not believe are worth fixing.
If you are simply looking for a feedback bot to use, I would like to encourage giving NoPMsBot a try; it was built as NoPMsBot's successor, and has many of the same features (but is much faster and better with the latest Topic features)!
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the COPYING for more details.
- ThankTelegram
- Dan Tès for his Pyrogram Library