This repository contains most of the code i wrote during my master thesis. The objective was to evaluate how optimal views on medical 3d-models can be learned using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In order to use 3d-models as an input for the models an approach of a multi-view neural network has been used inspired by the approach of Su et al (
- python (2.7)
- pip (9.01)
- numpy (1.12.1)
- numpy-quaternion (0.0.0.dev2017.02.28)
- tensorflow (1.0.1)
- tflearn (0.3)
- OpenEXR (1.2.0)
- matplotlib (1.5.1)
- pyquaternion (0.9.0)
- trianglesolver (1.1)
- blender (2.78)
- OpenEXR
- OpenCV 3
contains all files which are used for training/prediction/converting for the MVCNN-based approachrotation_network/networks/
contains the implementations of the MVCNN-networksrating_network/
contains all files for training/prediciton/converting of the rating-networkrating_network/networks/
contains the implementations of the rating-networkstfhelper/
contains helper functions for training and evaluation of rotation-quaternionsutility/modelgeneration
contains scripts for generation of the 3d-models in blenderutility/datageneration
contains scripts for generation/rendering of data used for trainingutility/imagerating
contains the implementations of the rating function
This can be used to create combinations of models of the liver and the tumors based on the liver-dataset provided by IRCAD ( The script uses a folder as input, which contains the liver-models as a blender-file and a file containing all the tumor-models.
Example usage:
blender --background --python utility/modelgeneration/ -- [liver-folder] [output-folder] [tumor-file] [livercount]
Used to generate a dataset by rendering the blender models.
Example usage: Creates a dataset by rendering models with 3 virtual cameras, while choosing the rotation-axes of the blender-model by using the vertices of an icosphere mesh. There will be 10 rotations per vertex and a resolution of 100x100 pixels is used.
blender --background --python utility/datageneration/ --blender_files [liverfolder] --rendered_dir [datasetfolder] --num_rotations 10 --icosphere 3 --res_x 100 --res_y 100 --num_cams 3
Subsequently the dataset can be converted to a TFRecord-File by using the script:
Example usage:
python --data_dir [dataset-path] --shuffle True
Used to train a network after generation of a dataset and converting it to TFRecord-format.
Example usage:
python [Train-Record] [Test-Record] --num_train [traincount] --num_test [testcount] --num_epochs 25 --batch_size 50 --learning_rate 0.001 --nntype [networktype] --save_path trainedModel
Prediction using a pretrained model.
Example usage:
cd trainedModel
python [Test-Record] --num_samples [predictcount] --nntype [networktype]
Example usage:
python [Train-Record] [Test-Record] --num_train [traincount] --num_test [testcount] --num_epochs 25 --batch_size 50 --learning_rate 0.001 --nntype [networktype] --save_path trainedModel
cd trainedModel
python [Test-Record] --num_samples [predictcount] --nntype [networktype]