Inluded dotfiles for my environments
- .tmuf.conf
- .bash_aliases
- .vimrc
- gruvbox.vim
There are two methods to install
Install using the script
sudo chmod +x
then run:
Ensure vim is isntalled
sudo apt install vim
All dotfiles are for home directory.
The gruvbox.vim goes in the folfer /usr/share/vim/vim80/colors/
The leto.reg is for gruvbox colors in putty windows, edit the key name to insert correctly.
For installing and setting up Vundle and vim-airline, run:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
Open vim then run:
It will isntall all plugins from the .vimrc dotfile
I've added a QMK keymap for my corne v2. This is a chorded keymap that covers most modifiers that I use. I will get around to uploading a keymap image at some point in the future but the keymap.c is pretty obvious.
Make sure you are using windows terminal (the new terminal) for best results. For the full Nord theme in your settings.json use the scheme below to ensure best colours.
"name" : "nord",
"background" : "#2e3440",
"foreground" : "#d8dee9",
"black": "#3b4252",
"blue": "#5e81ac",
"brightBlack": "#4c566a",
"brightBlue": "#81a1c1",
"brightCyan": "#8fbcbb",
"brightGreen": "#a3be8c",
"brightPurple": "#b48ead",
"brightRed": "#bf616a",
"brightWhite": "#eceff4",
"brightYellow": "#ebcb8b",
"cyan": "#88c0d0",
"green": "#a3be8c",
"purple": "#b48ead",
"red": "#bf616a",
"white": "#e5e9f0",
"yellow": "#ebcb8b"
Font showing as blocks? You may need to download fonts patched with Powerline symbols or the standalone PowerlineSymbols.otf.
Make sure you set the font for your terminal to be either the powerline font or one that is powerline enabled.
List of fonts that are powerline enabled can be found here, you can also use sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline