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Swift wrapper for the OpenSky Network API

I'm working on an internal flight-tracking project and I needed access to a couple of existing public network API sets in order to source the data for my app. This is the first of two. It provides the methods I need to access flight information for a given area and zero in on a given flight for detailed tracking.

This project demonstrates a few useful features or facilities that are relatively new or new to me.

OpenSky Network API Docs

The documentation I followed in order to write this wrapper is found here.

General Implementation Notes

There is nothing new or fancy about the wrappers themselves. I'm using Codable to define and interpret the data coming from the OpenSky Network API (ONA). Previous wrappers that I've created in the past for other APIs provide interfaces implemented using closures or Combine publishers. This time I decided to use the async interface vended from URLSession as part of Swift Concurrency.

Instead of having a single API object, which is what I did last time, this time I decided to use a service based approach. Thus, making each individual API endpoint vended from ONA a separate class with a common base implementation, as shown in the diagram below.

	direction RL
	class OpenSkyService {
		<<base class>>
        Authentication?: authentication
		URL: apiBaseURL
		URLSession: session
		invoke(URLRequest request): (HTTPResponse, Data)
	class GetAllFlights {
		init(ClosedRange<UInt>: timeInterval)
		invoke(): [Flight]
	class GetAllStateVectors {
		WGS84Area?: area
		Bool: isIncludingCategory
		UInt?: time
		[ICAO24]?: transponders

        invoke(): StateVectors
	class GetArrivals {
		init(String: airport, ClosedRange: timeInterval)
        invoke(): [Flight]
	class GetDepartures {
		init(String: airport, ClosedRange: timeInterval)
        invoke(): [Flight]
	class GetFlights {
		init([ICAO24]: transponders, ClosedRange: timeInterval)
        invoke(): [Flight]
	class GetOwnStateVectors {
		Bool: isIncludingCategory
		[Int]?: serials
		UInt: time
		init([ICAO24]: transponders)
        invoke(): StateVectors
	class GetTracks {
		init(ICAO24: transponder, UInt: time)
        invoke(): [Track]

    GetAllFlights --|> OpenSkyService
    GetAllStateVectors --|> OpenSkyService
    GetArrivals --|> OpenSkyService
    GetDepartures --|> OpenSkyService
    GetFlights --|> OpenSkyService
    GetOwnStateVectors --|> OpenSkyService
    GetTracks --|> OpenSkyService

Mocking Data With URLProtocol

In order to easily simulate and validate network payloads from ONA, I have created a mock implementation of the URLProtocol named MockURLProtocol, which provides the implementation needed to locate and load JSON files from the test bundle and return said data as the payload for network API requests through URLSession.

Bundling Resources and Unit-tests Within a Swift Package

I have two separate test classes. One for mock data (MockOpenSkyServiceTests) and one for running against the live service (OpenSkyServiceTests). The mock class utilizes MockURLProtocol, described above. Both the resource files and the unit-tests that rely on them are stored in the test bundle defined by the package description, instead of the main bundle for the package.


There is an issue when running the unit test for both test classes in one testing session. I believe it has something to do with URLProtocol registration but I am not sure. When you try and run all of the tests from Xcode using the unit-test button in the Xcode UI, the live tests all fail with JSON decoding exceptions. If you run each of the two test class separately, there is no issue.

From the command line, if you execute a swift test command, half the tests will fail presumably for the same reason. Since my code is working and the test cases do run successfully when run in separate sessions, I have not spent time trying to determine and remedy the root cause of the problem. The tests are written to be independent of each other and there is no shared state or data-store between the two classes. The only commonality is the shared runtime with URLSession.

API Usage

The APIs all optionally allow for authentication. Note that if you do not include authentication, the behavior and scope of the results will be affected. See the ONA documentation for details.

In order to provide authentication you must have registered an account with ONA and have a valid username and password. There are other limitations to the API parameters such as limits to filtering data based on time. Instead of repeating those details here, please read the original ONA documentation.

Get AllFlights

// Calculate a date-range for the last hour (there must be a more convenient way to do this).
let now = Date()
let oneHourInterval: TimeInterval = 3_600
let dateInterval = DateInterval(start: Date(timeInterval: -oneHourInterval, since: now), end: now)
let range = UInt(dateInterval.start.timeIntervalSince1970)...UInt(dateInterval.end.timeIntervalSince1970)

// Optionally include authentication
service.authentication = Authentication(username: "Your username here",
                                        password: "Your password here")

// Fetch flight data with required time filter.
let service = try GetAllFlights(within: range)
service.authentication = auth
let flights = try await flightService.invoke()


let service = GetAllStateVectors()

// Optionally include a geographical area as a filter, passing min/max lat/lon.
let area = OpenSkyService.WGS84Area(lamin: 31.64,
                                    lomin: -114.40,
                                    lamax: 37.0,
                                    lomax: -109.21)
service.area = area

// Optionally include authentication
service.authentication = Authentication(username: "Your username here",
                                        password: "Your password here")

// Optionally enabled the inclusion of the `category` property
// in the returned `StateVector` model. The default value is `false`.
service.isIncludingCategory = true

// Fetch and access model data
let stateVectors = try await service.invoke()
print("GetAllStateVectors returned \(stateVectors.states.count) states.")

GetArrivals & GetDepartures

let service = try GetArrivals(at: "EDDF", in: 1517227200...1517230800)


let service = try GetDepartures(from: "EDDF", in: 1517227200...1517230800)

service.authentication = auth
let flights = try await service.invoke()
print("\(flights.count) flights.")


// We must include an array containing at least one valid transponder code.
let transponders: [OpenSkyService.ICAO24] = [OpenSkyService.ICAO24(icaoString: "0c1b2a")]

// Calculate a date-range of 30 days or less.
let range = UInt(dateInterval.start.timeIntervalSince1970)...UInt(dateInterval.end.timeIntervalSince1970)

let service = try GetFlights(for: transponders, in: range)

// Optionally include authentication
service.authentication = Authentication(username: "Your username here",
                                        password: "Your password here")
// Fetch flight data with required time filter.
let flights = try await flightService.invoke()


let transponders: [OpenSkyService.ICAO24] = [OpenSkyService.ICAO24(icaoString: "0c1b2a")]
let service = GetOwnStateVectors(with: transponders)

// Optionally include authentication
service.authentication = Authentication(username: "Your username here",
                                        password: "Your password here")

// Optionally enabled the inclusion of the `category` property
// in the returned `StateVector` model. The default value is `false`.
service.isIncludingCategory = true

// Optionally filter results by number.
service.serials = [1, 2, 3, 4]

// Optionally provide timestamp for further filtering of returned data.
services.time = UInt(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)

// Fetch state-vectors
let stateVectors = try await service.invoke()


let service = try GetTracks(for: transponder)


// Optionally include timestamp for historical data.
let time = UInt(dateInThePast.timeIntervalSince1970)
let service = try GetTracks(for: transponder, at: time)

// Optionally include authentication
service.authentication = Authentication(username: "Your username here",
                                        password: "Your password here")
let tracks = try await service.invoke()


  • I'm not a big fan of the way time is used and specified in ONA. After I put some mileage on this package, I should have some idea how best to make the use of time parameters more convenient and swifty.

  • When initially coding the arrival and departure API methods I noted that the only difference between both implementations was the binary decision on whether we wanted departure or arrival information. I need to refactor to a common implementation and include a boolean or enum to switch or change the URL path.

  • The only service that I have not tested is the GetOwnStateVectors. I need to learn a little bit more about the serials parameter and its proper meaning in context. Then I will be in a better position to evaluate the behavior and responses generated by ONA for this particular service.


OpenSkyAPI is released under an MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


Swift wrapper for OpenSky Network API








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