Policy statuses with HA support
Upload and download plugins and driver jars with the Sparta API
Split support by the transformations SDK
Spark submit options can be added at policy definition level
Spark context options can be added at policy definition level
JSON, CSV and XML transformations added
Filter transformation
FileSystem Input added
Avro, FileSystem and HTTP Outputs added (HDFS, s3 ...)
HDFS-Kerberos integration
Generic properties added in outputs and inputs
Custom transformations, inputs and outputs to see and configure user plugins in the UI
Status information and errors is showed in the policies UI
Discard or send null values in transformations
Spark UDF integration for support auto-calculated fields
All the Spark save modes added: Append, ErrorIfExists, Overwrite and Ignore
All the Sparta API endpoints work asynchronously
Trigger and Cubes at the same level
Output types support in dimensions and operators
Filters support generic types
Granularities supported in datetime transformation
Scala 2.11 update
SDK refactor: more simple and more extensible
Kafka update with Stratio-Kafka repository
RabbitMq 0.4.0 update with RabbitMq Distributed
Bugfix: Stop correctly in Mesos cluster gracefully
Bugfix: Stop correctly policies in local mode
Bugfix: Geo and DateTime transformation errors corrected
Bugfix: Removed metadata creation in outputs
Bugfix: Checkpoint path with dateTime
Bugfix: Tooltips corrected in UI
Bugfix: Spark 1.5 compatibility
Bugfix: Policy Statuses are assigned correctly
Bugfix: Remove inputField in transformations
Bugfix: Operators support generic types
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