This plugin adds HIP platform that allows to run OpenMM on CDNA and RDNA AMD GPUs on AMD ROCm™ open software platform.
This plugin requires hipFFT and rocFFT, install them from ROCm repositories:
apt install hipfft rocfft
conda create -n openmm-env -c streamhpc -c conda-forge/label/openmm_rc -c conda-forge --strict-channel-priority openmm-hip
conda activate openmm-env
This command creates a new environment, installs OpenMM and the plugin and activates the new
environment. A label openmm_rc
is required because the current release version of the OpenMM
package (7.7) does not support the HIP plugin.
Note: cudatoolkit
is a large (about 1 GB) dependency of openmm
package, however it is not
required for the HIP plugin. It is possible to install a tiny "shim" package instead (for more
information see
this comment):
conda create -n openmm-env -c jaimergp/label/unsupported-cudatoolkit-shim -c streamhpc -c conda-forge/label/openmm_rc -c conda-forge --strict-channel-priority openmm-hip
conda activate openmm-env
Verify your installation (HIP must be one of available platforms):
python -m openmm.testInstallation
If there is no HIP among available platforms check why the HIP platform fails to load:
python -c "import openmm as mm; print('---Loaded---', *mm.pluginLoadedLibNames, '---Failed---', *mm.Platform.getPluginLoadFailures(), sep='\n')"
Run tests:
cd $CONDA_PREFIX/share/openmm/tests/
Run benchmarks (see more options python --help
cd $CONDA_PREFIX/share/openmm/examples/
python --platform=HIP
To remove OpenMM and the HIP plugin, run:
conda uninstall openmm-hip openmm
This project uses CMake for its build system.
The plugin requires source code of OpenMM, it can be downloaded as an archive here or as a Git repository:
git clone
To build the plugin, follow these steps:
Create a directory in which to build the plugin.
Run the CMake GUI or ccmake, specifying your new directory as the build directory and the top level directory of this project as the source directory.
Press "Configure".
Set OPENMM_DIR to point to the directory where OpenMM is installed. This is needed to locate the OpenMM header files and libraries.
Set OPENMM_SOURCE_DIR to point to the directory where OpenMM source code is located.
Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to the directory where the plugin should be installed. Usually, this will be the same as OPENMM_DIR, so the plugin will be added to your OpenMM installation.
Press "Configure" again if necessary, then press "Generate".
Use the build system you selected to build and install the plugin. For example, if you selected Unix Makefiles, type
make install
Here are all commands required for building and installing OpenMM with HIP support from the latest source code:
mkdir build build-hip install
git clone
cd build
make install
make PythonInstall
cd ..
git clone
cd build-hip
cmake ../openmm-hip/ -D OPENMM_DIR=../install -D OPENMM_SOURCE_DIR=../openmm -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
make install
If you do not want to install OpenMM Python libraries into the user site-packages directory
environment variable if ROCm is not installed in the default directory (/opt/rocm).
To run all the test cases build the "test" target, for example by typing make test
, or call
ctest --output-on-failure --repeat until-pass:3
(retry three times so stochastic tests have
a chance).
There are 3 implementations (backends) of FFT, the default is VkFFT. If some tests fail or you suspect that your simulation with PME produces incorrect results, please try different backends:
- the built-in FFT implementation (
). - the hipFFT/rocFFT-based implementation (
); - the VkFFT-based implementation (
By default, the HIP Platform builds kernels with the hipcc compiler. To run the compiler, paths in the following order are used:
, if it is passed to Context constructor;OPENMM_HIP_COMPILER
environment variable, if it is set;${ROCM_PATH}/bin/hipcc
environment variable is set;/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc
There is an alternative way to compile kernels: hipRTC, it is implemented by
. To enable this way:
- set
properties['HipAllowRuntimeCompiler'] = 'true'
; - set
environment variable to 1 (export OPENMM_USE_HIPRTC=1
The HIP Platform uses OpenMM API under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of this license may be found in the accompanying file MIT.txt.
The HIP Platform is based on the CUDA Platform of OpenMM under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of this license may be found in the accompanying file LGPL.txt. It in turn incorporates the terms of the GNU General Public License, which may be found in the accompanying file GPL.txt.
The HIP Platform uses VkFFT by Dmitrii Tolmachev under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of this license may be found in the accompanying file MIT-VkFFT.txt.