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Learn GitHub

This is my first GitHub repository.

Author - SumitSahu444

Git Commands for Using This Repository

Initialize a Repository

  • git init
    Initialize a new Git repository in your current directory.

Clone a Repository

  • git clone <repository_URL>
    Clone a repository from a remote source (e.g., GitHub).

Staging and Committing Changes

  • git add <file>
    Stage a specific file for the next commit.

  • git rm <file>
    Remove a file and stage its deletion.

  • git commit -m "<message>"
    Commit staged changes with a descriptive message.

  • git commit -am "<message>"
    Stage and commit all modified tracked files in one step (skip git add).

Checking Status and Logs

  • git status
    Displays the status of your working directory and staging area.

  • git log
    Shows a history of commits, including commit hashes, authors, and messages.

Branching and Switching Branches

  • git checkout <branch>
    Switch to a specific branch. If the branch doesn’t exist, create and switch with git checkout -b <new_branch>.

  • git branch
    List all branches and highlight the current branch.

Syncing with Remote Repository

  • git pull
    Fetch changes from a remote repository and merge them into your local branch.

  • git push origin <branch>
    Push commits from your local branch to the corresponding remote branch.

Merging and Stashing

  • git merge <branch>
    Merge changes from a specified branch into the current branch.

  • git stash
    Temporarily save your uncommitted changes to a stack, allowing you to work on something else and restore them later with git stash apply.

Fetching and Reverting Changes

  • git fetch
    Fetch updates from a remote repository without merging them.

  • git revert <commit_hash>
    Revert a specific commit by creating a new commit that undoes its changes.

  • git reset <commit_hash>
    Move the current branch pointer to a specified commit. Use --soft to keep changes staged or --hard to discard them.

Viewing Differences

  • git diff
    Display changes between your working directory and the last commit, or between specific commits or branches.

Tagging Commits

  • git tag <tag_name>
    Create a tag for marking specific commits. Use -a to create annotated tags with messages.

Working with Remote Repositories

  • git remote -v
    Show the list of remote repositories and their URLs.

Removing Files from Staging

  • git rm --cached <file>
    Remove a file from the staging area without deleting it from the working directory.

Happy coding!


this is my first github repository using github






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