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Jayendra's BTC Miner

This journal is broken-down into 3 parts:

  • Starts with quick guide to setup
  • Implementation details
  • Score card for solution
  • Todo list and pending tasks

Quick guide to setup


  • go version >= 1.20

DB used

  • sqlite3


  • clone this respo and download dependencies
git clone
go mod download && go mod tidy
  • run whole application
go run cmd/main.go 
  • Or run a single service mempool/miner
go run cmd/local/{server}/main.go


This project uses ginkgo for testing.

cd serviceDir && ginkgo

Implementation details

Table of Contents


   This project uses Golang as base language and sqlite as its database. this repo offers two services miner and mempool, it has custom logger by logrus which can be operated in different log levels but this script runs on Info Level. Sqlite Lite is used as primary database to process Transactions.

Folder Structure

│   config.go         // configurations
│   output.txt
│   test.db           // sqlite3 DB to store txs and their outpoints after processing
│   │ -- main.go      // entrypoint
│   └───local         // dry run each services `miner` and `mempool`
│   ├───ierrors       // errors module
│   ├───mempool       // tx sanity checks and stores it in db
│   ├───miner         // tx selection , block mining and building
│   └───path          // registry for Path to `db` , `mempool` data and `output.txt` file
│   ├───address
│   ├───block         // contains `BLOCK` structs
│   ├───encoding      // Handles little endian Bytes and Compact Size
│   ├───opcode        //contains a registry of OP_CODES and their byteCodes
│   ├───script
│   └───transaction   // includes Database Models Transaction,Inputs and Outpoints

Workflow explanation

    This project has 3 phases of execution in total as described below

  1. Initialize and Load Txs into mempool

entrypoint main.go starts by initializing a progressBar which logs number of files processed to stdout, a logger[info level] which is passed down to miner and mempool services. main.go panics on any error occurred during intilizalitation processes. Initialization creates 3 SQL tables For Transactions Inputs and OutPoints

Once mempool is Loaded, entrypoints spins up several go routines to load transactions concurrently and save it to db, mempool does several checks on transaction data followed by putting tx into db and those checks are described as below

  1. Computes Txhash of entire transaction. by SHA256(SHA256(legacy_tx_serialization)) in Little Endian Format. legacy_tx_serialization is just a tx serialized without marker flag and witness.

  2. Computes Wtxid of entire transaction. by SHA256(SHA256(wtxid serialization)).

  3. Computes Weight and FeeCollected of entire transaction. by

    • weight = legacy bytes * 4 + witness bytes * 1
    • fee_collected = SUM(input.value) - SUM(output.value)
  4. if FeeCollected < 546 sats (dust fee limit) then tx is rejected.

  5. inputs and outputs are separated from transaction, validated and stored respective tables [batch db writes]

    • validates sequence number if it is less than absolute 0xffffffff then it is marked as RBF.
    • if an outpoint already exists in db then it is ignored.
  6. Input and output validation include.

    • For every outpoint assembly Script, it is converted into its Byte representation and validated against. ScriptPubKey_HEX.
    • further script_pubkey is converted into following format and validated with its address
      • base58 address if it is a legacy outpoint p2pk p2ms p2pkh p2sh
      • Bech32 format if it is a segwit outpoint p2wpkh p2wsh p2tr
    • For every input basic scriptSig_asm to scriptSig_hex validation is done.
  7. For every tx it also undergoes sanity checks like valid sequence , version etc numbers

    1. Block Building with Miner service

    Now that we have all transactions loaded into database we could use Miner for transaction selection and block Building. here are steps taking in order to build a block

  8. A miner is initialized with following config

    • difficulty = 0x0000ffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    • []wtxids = [bytes32(0x0)] - coinbase wtxid
  9. miner keeps picking best tx from mempool, a tx which hash highest fee/weight ratio [knapsack greedy approach]. until it reaches MAX_BLOCK_SIZE it will continue.

  10. upon selection of tx we fetch its inputs and outputs and Validate wholeTx, these validations are transaction specific based on its types.

    • p2pk : extract uncompressed/compressed public key from ScriptPubKey. extract Signature from ScriptSig. construct trimmed serialized transaction for specific input based on SIGHASH. compute it's HASH256 which produces digest which user might have signed for a specific input. validate signature with go ecdsa library, providing it pubkey and digest accordingly.
    • p2pkh: extract uncompressed/compressed public key from ScriptPubKey compute its HASH160, validate if HASH160 in script is equal and HASH160 computed. if equal continue with signature validation just like in p2pk case.
    • p2sh : obtain redeemScript from ScriptSig validate its opcodes and convert it to byte representation. compute HASH160 of redeemscript, verify it with HASH160 in scriptPubKey.
    • p2wkh : witness would have 2 stack elements for p2wpkh, first one being signature and other being pubkey. we extract them and compute trimmed tx for specific input based on SIGHASH. validate signature with go ecdsa library, providing it pubkey and digest accordingly.
    • p2wsh : we do same as p2sh but the only changing part is location of witness_redeem_script and use of SHA256 to hash redeemscript.
    • p2ms : we do same as p2pk but since it is m-out-of-n multiSignature. we hence accumulate all signatures and public Keys and validate it. for every success verification we increment threshold to`. if threshold reaches m then we mark tx as valid and continue with next tx.
  11. Once we conclude a Transaction is valid we check if its outpoints are already used. if already used then it might be double spending or RBF hence we move on to next transaction, else we mark outpoints as spent and include in block.

  12. once tx is included in block we delete tx from mempool db and proceed further.

  13. we stop adding transactions to block once we reach its limit.

    1. Coinbase tx construction and Block Mining.

    Now that we have block full of transactions its time we add coinbase transaction to block. and mine the block such that it reaches enough target difficulty. here are steps involved in block mining and coinbase.

  14. we construct vin for coinbase tx as follows

    • prev_out_txId = bytes32(0x0)
    • prev_out_vout = 0
    • scriptSig = current block height in HEX
    • Sequence = u32.MAX
    • witness = [bytes32(0x0)]
  15. its time we contruct vouts for coinbase tx, our coinbase has two vouts. one that pays out fee collected to us and second that store witness commitment.

    • In my case out[0] = p2pkh + fee collected
    • out[1] consists of scriptPubKey which has witness commitment
    • witnessCommitment = OP_RETURN OP_PUSHBYTES_36 aa21a9ed + HASH256((MerkleRoot of wtxids) + bytes32(0x0))
  16. now that we have our inputs and outputs ready we can construct coinbase with tx version 2 and Locktime 0 and above inputs and outputs.

  17. we compute coinbaseTxHash and append it to beginning of txId array

  18. since we have all transactions sorted out we can build block header with following setup

    • block version = 4 [blocks after segwit upgrade]
    • previous block hash = bytes32(0x0)
    • merkleRoot = merkleRoot of txId array
    • time = current unix time
    • bits = target difficulty 0x1f00ffff
    • nonce = 0 [param: used to mine other are immutable]
  19. now that we have block header we can mine until we reach target difficulty.

  20. mining a block is generally find a nonce such that. Hash256(block_header) < target difficulty

  21. we spin up 10 go routines to mine each block concurrently. each routine atomically increments a global nonce variable and then checks if it is less than target difficulty. if it is less then we break and return the nonce.

  22. finally now that we reached target difficulty we store results in output.txt file as follows

| LIST OF ALL TXIDS               |

why sqlite and How of Sqlite

here are list of benefits for choosing sqlite.

  • fast processing and retrieval time.
  • I divided whole Tx into 3 tables
    • txs : stores based metadata about transaction
      • fee , weight , wtxid , txid are additionally computed and added.
    • inputs: inputs are stored referencing to outputs and spending tx
    • outputs: outputs are segregated from input and tx and stored, referencing funding tx
  • can be used to built further like a UTXO database.
  • easy to segregate double spending and RBF txs. also helps in CPFP.
  • easier to implement Greedy knapsack algorithm to select best tx.
  • provides good binging with golang.
  • store computed values avoid re-computations.

Score card

  • below score card is graded by summer of bitcoin grader for this solution. score card

Additional Information

  • All the transactions which are rejected are logged into this file
  • Initially grader was failing because of logging into stdout, hence logs are directed to info level
  • all services are tested with GINKGO go test suite.


Below are short hand representations of functions,equations and abbreviations

  • H160 or HASH160 : RIPMOD160(SHA256(messageDigest))
  • HASH256 : SHA256(SHA256(messageDigest))


A test for your understanding of Bitcoin






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