Configure Sumo Logic Applications and Connections using Terraform modules. The modules configure/create the following resources:
- A source under the specified collector for the integration in Sumo Logic.
- App dashboards in the specified folder in Sumo Logic.
- Connections in Sumo Logic.
- Webhook configurations in JIRA, Bitbucket, Pagerduty or other chosen systems.
- Resources in cloud systems such as AWS.
curl for App installations.
Respective Terraform providers based on selections.
Create a
file and add the requirements in the following format:terraform { required_version = ">= 0.13" required_providers { null = { version = "~> 2.1" } sumologic = { source = "sumologic/sumologic" version = ">= 2.31.3, < 3.0.0" } jira = { source = "fourplusone/jira" version = "~> 0.1.14" } } }
provider "sumologic" {
access_id = "<SUMOLOGIC ACCESS ID>"
access_key = "<SUMOLOGIC ACCESS KEY>"
environment = "<SUMOLOGIC DEPLOYMENT>"
You can also define these values in terraform.tfvars
Sumo Logic REST Api provider configuration is required for App installations and is needed for all integrations involving App configuration and installation:
provider "restapi" {
alias = "sumo"
write_returns_object = true
username = "<SUMOLOGIC ACCESS ID>"
headers = { Content-Type = "application/json" }
You can also define these values in terraform.tfvars
All App integrations need a collector and a folder where the App should be installed. Sumo Logic Connections do not need a collector or folder.
Configure the collector resource as below:
resource "sumologic_collector" "sumo_collector" {
name = "SumoLogic Integrations"
category = "SumoLogic"
In the module declaration, pass the collector id as
Configure a folder as below:
data "sumologic_personal_folder" "personalFolder" {}
resource "sumologic_folder" "folder" {
name = "SumoLogic Applications"
description = "SumoLogic Applications Folder"
parent_id =
depends_on = [sumologic_collector.sumo_collector]
In the module declaration, pass the folder id as
module "sumologic-jira-cloud-app" {
source = "SumoLogic/sumo-logic-integrations/sumologic//atlassian/cloud/jira"
version = "{revision}"
sumo_access_id = "<SUMOLOGIC ACCESS ID>"
sumo_access_key = "<SUMOLOGIC ACCESS KEY>"
sumo_api_endpoint = "<SUMOLOGIC ENDPOINT URI>"
collector_id =
source_category = "Atlassian/Cloud/Jira"
folder_id =
jira_cloud_jql = "" # Optional
jira_cloud_events = ["jira:issue_created", "jira:issue_updated"] # Optional. By default all events are configured.
app_version = "1.0"
See respective module readme and examples for more details.