(Since completing to post stories)
- FrontEnd: Next.js + React + Typescript
- BackEnd: Node.js+Express.js, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, TypeORM
- Test: Chai, Mocha
- [en] I really want to use GraphQL. Most of blog services have complicated formatted data and I think it is suitable to build blog service in order to learn GraphQL. Medium is one of the most well-known service, so I want to clone it.
- [ko] GraphQL을 사용해보고 싶었다. 블로그는 복잡한 형태의 데이터를 가지고 있었고 GraphQL을 공부하기엔 블로그를 만들어보는게 가장 적합하다고 생각했다. 블로그 중에서 가장 유명한 Medium을 따라 만들고 싶었다.
- I want to learn what GraphQL has a couple of advantages, comparing to RESTful API.
- I want to see how Redux is replaced by GraphQL
- RESTful API과 대비되는 GraphQL의 장점을 느껴보고 싶었다.
- GraphQL이 리덕스를 어떻게 대체시키는지 보고 싶었다.
- Advantage of GraphQL
- One Endpoint
- No Overfetching
- No Underfetching
# on the first terminal
yarn run watch
## on the second terminal
yarn run start