A mood companion system
This year’s Student Council Mental Awareness Day initiative goes beyond a 45 min session and embarks on building a habit for life. With the spirit of mental well being, I’m proud to announce the launch of our very own mood companion system Sunny Whale Reflect. The app ties in with our idea of taking meaningful action post the session.
As part of the 7 Day challenge, students are to add reflections and moments daily for a week after which a Mood Scape is generated along with graphical analysis of past moods. Through this, our student community has a fixed and shareable outcome and takeaway from the session.
The app is now live at https://reflect.sunnywhale.in. (Both desktop and mobile devices are supported)
Feel free to reach out to me at any time for questions or suggestions.
Below are further details and approaches to introduce the app to your respective classrooms.
Celebrate the glory of a moment and wind back time.
Had an awesome birthday party last week? Relive it once again at time intervals (1 week,2 weeks,1 month, 3 months,6 months, 1 year).
Record the highlights of your day and the amazing moments of your life! Record occasions in a simple and accessible manner along with high quality images.
- Reflections :- Daily reviews, highlights, productivity and happiness scores
- Moments :- Keystone experiences with deep emotional connections
Travel back in time to understand the process when it matters the most. Using an emotion driven AI algorithm , the user is presented with set of moments in a life like manner, elevating the user’s mood in the process.
How do you feel? A visual representation of yous past week’s mood. AI generated and shareable with loved ones to promote openness of conversation in the space of mental well being.
All user data is encrypted using AES-256-CBC encryption algorithm. All user data can be deleted at any time from the settings page. We do not share, record, analyse or sell any data. Google OAuth secures application data from snoopy actors.
Home page
Reflections page
Moments page
Mood Synth
Create a moment
Settings page
Mood Scape