First of all you should follow the instruction here: to install the latest version of XBotControl on your machine.
After this, you should clone and build the tutorial: there are several options to do it, but probably the easiest is using the catkin build tool from ROS.
mkdir -p ~/src/catkin_xbot_tutorial_ws/src
cd ~/src/catkin_xbot_tutorial_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
Once you are done with the compilation, we should source the setup.bash of the catkin workspace just created:
. ~/src/catkin_xbot_tutorial_ws/devel/setup.bash
If you want to use the config file inside the tutorial workspace or your custom workspace, you should also export the XBOT_ROOT variable based on where your workspace is:
export XBOT_ROOT=~/src/catkin_xbot_tutorial_ws/src
All the relative path in the config files are going to be calculated based on XBOT_ROOT
A set of references you should always keep in mind are here:
The XBotControl tutorial tries to cover different components of the framework: you can follow it based on what are your need.
In each of the folder of the tutorial you will find a Jupiter notebook (.ipynb) with the instructions and insights related to the specific section.
Here it is how to install Jupyter Notebook on your pc:
Here it is the lists of the sections and where you will an answer to a set of possible questions:
- How do I control my robot using XBotControl -> robots folder and configs folder
- How do I write an RT plugin? -> plugins folder
- How do I find an example of an IK problem solved by OpenSoT whole-body IK engine? -> opensot folder
- How do I use the Cartesian Interface? -> cartesio folder